
Literature Analysis Cheatsheet: Key Themes and Literary Devices (Download PDF)

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Literature Analysis Cheatsheet Key Themes and Literary Devices

The Literature Analysis cheat sheet is created to provide the checking of the literary work. It is different from the English language grammar cheatsheet. Understanding the genre before analyzing the work is crucial as it will help to approach better—the genres such as poems, novels, plays, etc. It is important to keep in mind the cultural and religious text while writing the work. A brief description of the summary should be given along with properly fitting the characters. The characters should be created properly and should interact with each other as per the needs of the situation. Additionally, it is important to identify how the literary devices and the figure of speech are identified. In the blog, we will discuss the literature analysis cheat sheet along with its key themes and literary devices.

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What is Literature Analysis?

The Literature analysis is a summary of a literary work that describes a writer’s interpretation, critical evaluation, decision-making, and personal perspective about it. It is done by the inspection of literary devices, writing choices, or the choice of words used by the writer in the work. Moreover, the literature analysis is done to show why the author has used certain ideas, writing structures, or word choices while expressing their ideas.

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Literature Analysis Cheatsheet (PDF)

Literature Analysis examines the text of the content in detail. It is important to understand the meaning of the text and why the author has used different words. The choices made by the author are different it could be how he wants to turn the story. Below is the list of literature analysis cheat sheet which we will talk about today. We have also included a PDF which will provide you further information on the literature analysis cheat sheet.

IronyPoint of View 
JuxtapositionRhyme Scheme

What are Key Themes in Literature Analysis?

The literature analysis is done by the events that are occurring in the book. It is a plot of the story that sets up the theme and deeper meanings that exist in it. The theme of the poem or the story represents the complex ideas and how the theme aligns with those ideas. It explains the central idea that the piece of literature wants to convey. There is some deep message in it that makes you learn something new. Additionally, it is an idea along with an opinion that the author wants to express through their writings. The literature analysis is done keeping in mind these key themes that exist in different classical literary works. For Example, in the novel ‘Animal Farm’ the themes are equality, inequality, class, power, and control. Let’s take a look at the key themes of some of the popular literature works. 

Famous Literature WorksKey themes
Moby-Dick – A novel by Herman MelvilleObsession and Revenge
The Great Gatsby – A Novel by F. Scott
Love, Corruption, American Dream, and money
To Kill a Mockingbird – A novel by Harper LeeSocial justice and racial prejudice
Wuthering Heights – A novel by Emily BrontëVengeance. Love and passion
Frankenstein – Novel by Mary ShelleyRevenge, fate, and free will, nature, family and affection, loneliness, love, Science and exploration, women & feminism
Fire and Ice – A Poem by Robert FrostDestruction
The Waste Land – A poem by T. S. Eliot Loss and brokenness
Great Expectations- A Novel by Charles DickensComing of Age
For Whom the Bell Tolls – A A novel by Ernest HemingwayWar
My Year of Meats – A novel by Ruth OzekiThe Environment
Lord of the Flies – A Novel by William GoldingGood versus evil
Jane Eyre -A novel by Charlotte BrontëSelf-identity
The House on Mango Street – A novel by Sandra Cisnerosfinding identity
The Kite Runner – A novel by Khaled HosseiniComing of age
Schindler’s Ark – A Book by Thomas KeneallyRedemption

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Key Themes Cheat Sheet (PDF)

The key themes in the literature are the messages that align with the message and topic of the work. They are the deeper meanings that the poem or the story holds. All the literary works of literature represent a theme that can be understood by reading it properly. Several themes exist in the literary works whose story revolves around them. The book addresses an issue through the theme as it can be around war, love, kindness, friendship, trust, passion, etc. 

For Example, William Shakespeare’s famous play Romeo and Juliet depicts tragedy and has key themes such as family and love. Additionally, another popular teen novel “The Hunger Games” by Suzanne Collins has several major themes such as friendship, social class, love, survival, power, rebellion, etc. as they all are present in it. 

Here, is the Key themes Cheat sheet of the literary works that will help you better understand it. 

Key Themes PDF

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What is Literature Analysis?

Literature Analysis is the evaluation of the literary work using different techniques. It is the process of examining works in detail and explaining them thoroughly.

What are the common literary devices?

Some of the common literary devices are Metaphor, Alliteration, Imagery, Simile, Allegory, Analogy, Juxtaposition, etc.

Give some key themes in literature.

Some of the key themes of literary works are Friendship, Power and Corruption, Justice, Coming of Age story, Redemption, Environment, War, etc.

This was all about “Literature analysis cheat sheet: key themes and literary devices”. Hope you understand the concept and know how to proceed. You can also follow theLearn English page of Leverage Edu for more exciting and informative blogs related to grammar. 

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