Irregular Adverbs: Definition, List, Examples & More

3 minute read

Irregular Adverbs can be tricky to understand when used in English grammar. Wondering what they are? Well, these adverbs do not follow the normal rules of the formation of an adverb. As a grammar nazi, you must be aware that they are usually derived from adjectives, but can also be used as adverbs without even changing the original form. Some common irregular adverbs are ‘deep, fast, hard, slow’ and several others. Continue reading this blog to know all about these adverbs and how they can be used in sentences to enhance with the help of the examples mentioned. 

Learn All About Adverbs

What are Irregular Adverbs?

Irregular adverbs are those that do not follow the standard pattern of adding “-ly” to an adjective to form the adverb (as the original rule says). Instead, they have unique forms that don’t necessarily derive directly from the corresponding adjective. These adverbs often have distinct spelling or pronunciation compared to their adjective counterparts. Some common examples of these adverbs include “well,” “fast,” “hard,” and “late.”

List of Irregular Adverbs

Here is a list of irregulars that you should be aware of to avoid committing any error: 

Examples of Irregular Adverbs

Examples of Irregular Adverbs

Below are some of the common examples that will help in the formation of sentences:

  • The plane flew high above the clouds.
  • The diver went deep into the ocean to explore the coral reefs.
  • The music at the concert was loud enough to be heard from blocks away.
  • There’s a café near the office where we can grab lunch.
  • The bus arrived early, so we didn’t have to wait long.
  • He knows the city well because he grew up here.
  • She typed fast to finish the report before the deadline.
  • He studied hard for the test but still didn’t do well.
  • Don’t stay up too late; you have an early meeting tomorrow.
  • The nearest grocery store is too far to walk; we’ll need to drive.

Irregular Adverbs Exercise

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the irregular adverbs.

  1. She sings _____ (well) than anyone I know.
  2. He ran _____ (fast) to catch the bus.
  3. They arrived _____ (late) for the meeting.
  4. The students worked _____ (hard) to pass the exam.
  5. The baby slept _____ (sound) through the night.
  6. She speaks French _____ (fluently) after living in Paris for years.
  7. The magician performed the trick _____ (cleverly) that no one could figure it out.
  8. He made a mistake _____ (often) than he would like to admit.
  9. The athlete jumped _____ (far) than the others in the competition.
  10. She solved the puzzle _____ (easily) than expected.
  1. better
  2. faster
  3. later
  4. harder
  5. more soundly
  6. more fluently
  7. more cleverly
  8. more often
  9. farther
  10. more easily
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Is the word ‘daily’ an irregular adverb?

Yes, the word ‘daily’ is an irregular adverb. 

What are 10 examples of irregular adverbs?

Following are 10 examples of irregular adverbs: Well, daily, early, fast, hard, loud, near, deep, far and late. 

What is an irregular adverb?

An irregular adverb is an adverb that does not follow the normal rules of forming adverbs. 

We hope this blog has provided you with all the necessary information on irregular adverbs. To advance your grammar knowledge and read more informative blogs, check out our Learn English page and don’t forget to follow Leverage Edu.

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