How Can English Be Improved? Tips and Tricks for Students

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How Can English Be Improved

Wondering how can English be improved? Well, this is a common question for many. We all know that mastering the English language is not a piece of cake as it requires a lot of patience, dedication and most importantly, hard work. Learning or improving this language starts by knowing the English grammar, and vocabulary and then comes the language. If you are also here to improve your English, then you have come to the right place. Continue reading this blog post to find out how can improve your English as well as your speaking skills. 

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How Can English Be Improved?

Not all of us were born with excellent English where we could easily speak, communicate with others and have good vocabulary at the same time. We all have learnt this language at some point in our lives using different methods. But what if some of us have still not been able to master this language? Well, worry not as we have come up with a solution. Take a look below where you will find some ways by which you can improve your English

Watch TV Shows, Cartoons and Movies

We are no longer living in the 90s, we are now living in a technological-driven world where even kids have access to mobile phones, and laptops which can be used to an advantage in their free time. To take the best advantage, one should look at popular English shows which will prove to be useful for learning English. One of the most popular TV shows to learn English is Friends which has proven to be quite helpful to people in improving their English. 

Another best way to learn English is by switching on the subtitles. One of the benefits of doing so is the accelerated acquisition of new vocabulary. Subtitles expose learners to words and phrases within a meaningful context, enabling people to grasp unfamiliar terms more quickly.

Create Your Vocabulary Book

Make sure you have a notebook by your side every time as this will help you to take note of any new word as soon as you hear or see it. Make sure you not only focus on just the word but also on synonyms, and antonyms related to this word. Understand in such a way that you have a basic understanding of how to use the word in sentences. 

Reading Magazines and Newspapers

If you are an avid reader, then this is the best way you can improve your English. Reading books, and magazines is a great way to work on yourself as it will enhance your reading and vocabulary skills. You must ensure that you select the books as per your understanding and not choose any book which might be difficult for you to understand. As mentioned above, make sure you keep a tab of all the new words that you come across. 

Practice Speaking English with Family

To practice English, make sure you communicate with friends, teachers or family members, by doing so you will get a boost in your self-confidence and improving communication skills

Listen to English Songs

Apart from watching English shows, one can also to English songs which is another way to improve your English language skills. You can select the song of your choice and listen to it, if you like it then you must go through the lyrics which will help you learn.

Practice Writing

Finally, writing is the best way anyone can learn or improve English language skills as it will help increase vocabulary. Using all the new grammatical words, try writing a page on any topic that might interest you in English. It is critical to inculcate this habit which will eventually help you in mastering the English language. 

Also Read: 5+ Ways to Improve Reading Speed and Comprehension

How to Improve English Grammar?

By learning English grammar, one will be able to grasp concepts of English much faster. It will help you learn English easily without putting any effort. Here are some of the ways through which you can improve your English grammar. 

  • Regularly do grammar exercises
  • If you face any doubt, look it up. Remember that every doubt is an opportunity to learn. 
  • Notice correct grammar patterns and what should be the best way to use words which can sometimes change the entire meaning of the sentence. 
  • Make a note of all the new words that you learn, look up the meaning and make sentences out of it. 
  • Finally, make sure you read a lot as it is an excellent way to master your vocabulary, written and spoken English.

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How to Improve Your English Speaking Skills (By Yourself)

By now, we discussed how one can improve their English but there’s more to it. After gaining confidence in this language. You must focus on your speaking skills which helps in proper communication with another person. Below mentioned are some of the ways to improve your speaking skills which you must look into:

  • Practice speaking English with your partner, family, friends or teachers. By doing so, you will gain confidence and on committing mistakes they will be able to correct you. 
  • Opt for online tutors. With technology taking over, you can easily look up website wherein you can practice speaking English
  • Record yourself while speaking. This is another best way to master your English speaking skills. Using your mobile, record yourself speaking and then hear it by which you will get to know all the places you are committing mistakes.
  • Visual Feedback: This is one of the best ways to practice your spoken English language skills. Try speaking English in front of the mirror and look at the body language. By doing so, you will get to know all the mistakes that you have made and correct them accordingly. 

Also Read: How to Speak Fluent English in 30 Days?

Source: @NLLMikel
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How can we improve our English?

Here are some of the ways one can improve their English:
1. Regularly read magazines, books and newspapers.
2. Practice speaking English with your partner
3. Watch popular English TV shows, cartoons 
4. Learn new words every day.

How to speak English fluently?

To speak English fluently, one must use idioms and proverbs in their speech or in their writing, and work on your vocabulary.

Can English be learnt in 30 days?

No language can be learnt in 30 days, especially English. However, there is always a possibility to learn something new in the process of learning a new language. 

This was all about how can English be improved. Hope you understand the concept and know how to proceed. You can also follow the Learn English page of Leverage Edu for more exciting and informative blogs related to grammar. 

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