What are Conjunctions of Time in English Grammar?

6 minute read

Conjunction of Time: Conjunctions are words that are used in connecting two sentences to form one meaningful sentence, which are part of English grammar. Whereas, conjunctions of time are a subtype of conjunctions which are used in sentences to denote time or when a particular action happened. Being a grammar nazi, you must understand the types of conjunctions and how they are used in sentences. Keep reading this blog to learn more conjunctions of time. 

Also Read: All About Conjunctions

What are Conjunctions of Time?

Conjunctions of time are a type of conjunctions that connect clauses to two or more elements in a sentence that are related to time. They help in establishing relationships between actions, events, or ideas in terms of their timing. 

Here are some commonly used conjunctions of time that can be implemented in sentences. 

Conjunctions of Time

Also Read: List of Conjunctions: Words, Rules, Uses, Types, PPT, Quiz

Types of Conjunction of Time

When it comes to the conjunction of time, here are some most common conjunctions of time which can be used in sentences. Let’s take a look at each one of them. 

Conjunction of Time – When

Upon the usage of this conjunction, it indicates the time at which two events occur. They could have taken place simultaneously or in close proximity to each other. It can also mean that an event has happened immediately after another event.

Example: When I was a child, I used to play outside every evening.

Conjunction of Time – As long as

The word ‘as long as’ when used indicates the duration of time that an action or event will occur. 

Example: I don’t mind staying up late as long as I can sleep in tomorrow morning.

Conjunction of Time – Since

This conjunction is used to refer to a point in time where an action started in the past and continues to the present. Other than this, it can also be used to indicate an action or an event that started at the same time as another event. 

Example: I haven’t seen her since last week.

Conjunction of Time – Until/By the time

Both these conjunctions are used in sentences to indicate the time up to which an action or event takes to be completed. ‘Until’ when used in a sentence indicates the time taken for the action or event to be completed. While the word ‘by the time’ refers to the amount of time that is needed to complete an action. 

Example: I couldn’t leave the party until my friends arrived.

                By the time I arrived at the party, most of the guests had already left.

Conjunction of Time – While

This conjunction when used in sentences refers to two events that are happening at the same. It creates a contrast between the two events.

Example: While I was studying for my exams, my friends were watching TV.

Conjunction of Time – As

It indicates two events that are happening at the same time. Just like above, this also shows a contrast or comparison between the two. 

Example: As she finished her homework, she began to relax and enjoy her evening.

Conjunction of Time – Before/After

The conjunctions ‘before’ and ‘after’ when used in sentences are used to indicate the order in which respective events have occurred. As can be made out from the word, ‘after’ refers to when an event has happened in time than the other event. While ‘before’ means indicates that an event happened earlier than the decided time. 

Example: After I finish my homework, I will go for a walk in the park.

                I always like to eat breakfast before I start my day.

Conjunction of Time Examples

Here are sentence examples on the conjunction of time which will help you.

Conjunction of TimeExamples
BeforeI need to finish this project before the deadline.Before he could answer, the phone rang.She had never visited Paris before she went on her honeymoon.
AfterAfter the rain stopped, they went for a walk in the park.She always feels hungry after exercising.After the movie ended, we went out for dinner.
UntilThe store is open until 9 p.m. tonight.We can’t leave until the rain stops.I’ll wait here until you come back.
As long asAs long as you follow the rules, you’ll have a great time at the amusement park.You can borrow my car as long as you return it by tomorrow morning.I’ll support you in your decision as long as it doesn’t harm anyone else.
SinceSince it started raining, we decided to stay indoors.He hasn’t spoken to me since we had that argument.They’ve been best friends since they were children.
As soon asAs soon as the meeting ends, I’ll send you the report.As soon as I wake up, I’ll make us some breakfast.As soon as the meeting ends, I’ll send you the report.
WhenI’ll call you when I arrive at the airport.We’ll go for a walk when the rain stops.She always feels tired when she stays up late studying.
DuringTraffic was heavy during rush hour.The storm occurred during the night.I fell asleep during the movie.
WheneverWhenever I hear that song, it brings back memories of my childhood.You can call me whenever you need help with your homework.Whenever it rains, the streets flood

Conjunction of Time Exercises (Fill in the Blanks)

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate conjunctions of time.

  1. She always goes for a walk _______ dinner.
  2. They have been living in the same house _______ they got married.
  3. We’ll go out for ice cream _______ it stops raining.
  4. He promised to call me _______ he arrives at the airport.
  5. We can start the movie _______ everyone is ready.

Check Your Answers

  1. Before
  2. Since
  3. When
  4. As soon as
  5. When

Conjunction of Time Exercises

Choose the correct conjunction of time to complete the sentences.

  1. We’ll go to the park (after/before) we finish our homework.
  2. I have known him (since/while) we were in elementary school.
  3. She always takes a nap (whenever/as) she feels tired.
  4. We’ll go for a picnic (until/when) the weather improves.
  5. He likes to read a book (after/as soon as) he wakes up in the morning.


  1. After
  2. Since
  3. Whenever
  4. When
  5. As soon as

Conjunction of Time Exercises

Combine the two sentences using an appropriate conjunction of time.

  1. Sarah finished her work. She went to bed.
  2. Tom likes to go for a walk. He gets home from work.
  3. The students started their project. The teacher entered the classroom.


  1. Sarah went to bed after she finished her work.
  2. Tom likes to go for a walk whenever he gets home from work.
  3. The students started their project when the teacher entered the classroom.

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Is ‘while’ a conjunction of time?

Yes, ‘while’ comes under the conjunction of time.

What are some examples of conjunction of time?

Some common examples of conjunctions of time are when, as soon as, whenever, as long as and several others. 

What is the conjunction of time?

Conjunctions of time are those that connect clauses to two or more elements. 

We hope this blog provided you with all the necessary information on conjunctions of time. To advance your grammar knowledge and read more informative blogs, check out our Learn English page and don’t forget to follow Leverage Edu.

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