5 Tips to Ace Video Interview

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Video Interview

Post the COVID-19 pandemic, video interviewing has become an important part of the hiring process, adopted by 63% of HR managers for its efficiency and convenience. This technological shift made a pivotal moment in the recruitment industry, where 72% of recruiters are eager to use artificial intelligence and automation to redefine their roles. These innovations including video interviews offer recruiters the ability to boost their recruitment efforts while keeping costs in check. If you have a video interview lined up soon then check out this blog. We’ve mentioned the best tips to help you ace your video interview and bag that job in no time.

Expecting a call interview? Check out 20+ Phone Interview Questions with Sample Answers and prepare already!

Why Do Employers Take Video Interviews?

Employers opt for video interviews because they offer convenience, allowing candidates and hiring managers to connect from different locations, and saving time and resources. Video interviews provide a more comprehensive evaluation of communication skills, body language, and tech proficiency, essential in modern workplaces. Also, they streamline the hiring process, facilitating quicker decision-making. Recording interviews allows for easy review and comparison among candidates. 

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Things to Keep in Mind to Ace Video Interview:

  • When you are giving an interview virtually, find a quiet space with little distractions. Tell the people in your house to be quiet and not bother you during your interview.
  • Make sure there is adequate light in the room so that you are clearly visible.
  • Log in 15-20 minutes before your interview to ensure your audio and video are functioning properly.
  • Be confident, smile, make eye contact and actively listen to your interviewer throughout.

5 Tips to Ace Your Video Interview

Since the goal is to showcase your qualifications and personality effectively, through a digital medium, these tips will definitely help you in making a positive impression during your video interview:

Test your Tech

You should check all your technical equipment and setup before the actual video interview. This includes your computer or device, internet connection, camera, microphone, and any necessary software or applications. By doing this, you ensure that everything is functioning properly, and you’re familiar with how to use it. This way, you can avoid any last-minute technical glitches or difficulties during the interview, which could be distracting or even cause you to miss important questions or information. You may conduct a test call with a friend to check audio, video, and internet stability. This way, you’ll be confident and prepared for the interview.

Know the Importance of Active Listening Skills in the Workplace

Choose the Right Setting

Suppose there are two candidates for a remote position. Candidate A conducts the interview in a well-lit, neat home office with minimal background noise. Candidate B, however, takes the call in a dimly lit room with a messy background and few disruptions. Candidate A’s setting immediately gives the impression of professionalism, while Candidate B’s setting may distract the interviewer and convey a lack of attention.

Choosing the right setting is important for creating a professional and distraction-free environment. Here’s how it can benefit you:

  • Professionalism: A well-chosen setting reflects your professionalism and attention to detail. It shows that you’ve taken the time to create a suitable environment for the interview.
  • Minimize Distractions: A cluttered or noisy background can divert the interviewer’s attention. By selecting a clean, quiet space, you ensure that the focus remains on you and your responses.
  • Professional Image: The setting you choose is an extension of your personal brand. It contributes to the overall impression the interviewer forms about you.

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Dress Appropriately

Even though you’re not meeting in person, your attire reflects your professionalism and respect for the opportunity. It shows that you take the interview seriously and are committed to presenting yourself in the best possible way. Choose an outfit that aligns with the company culture and industry. If it’s a formal setting, opt for business attire; if it’s more casual, smart-casual attire is suitable. Avoid overly bright or distracting colours, and ensure your clothing is clean, well-fitted, and wrinkle-free. 

Interview Outfit: How to Dress For Success?

Focus on your Body Language

In a physical interview, making eye contact shows confidence and engagement. In a video interview, this translates to looking directly into the camera, not at the screen. This gives the impression of direct engagement with the interviewer. When answering a question, focus on the camera lens instead of looking at your own image on the screen. This gives the impression of sustained eye contact.

Sitting up straight shows confidence and professionalism. It conveys that you take the interview seriously and are attentive. Keep your shoulders relaxed and avoid slouching or leaning to the side.

Learn about the Importance of Body Language in the Interview

Prepare for Technical Hiccups

Have a plan in case there are unexpected technical issues during a video interview. This is an important tip because technology can sometimes be unpredictable, and being ready to handle any disruptions shows adaptability and problem-solving skills.

For example, if your internet connection suddenly drops or the video conferencing software malfunctions, you should have a backup plan in place. This could involve having the interviewer’s contact information readily available so you can inform them of the issue and potentially switch to a voice call. Also, you might want to have an alternative platform or device on standby, in case you need to switch to a different method of communication.

Source- Wall Street Journal

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Q.1. Why do employers conduct video interviews?

Ans: Employers opt for video interviews because they offer convenience, allowing candidates and hiring managers to connect from different locations, and saving time and resources. 

Q.2. How can I check my tech for a video interview in advance?

Ans: You should check all your technical equipment and setup before the actual video interview. This includes your computer or device, internet connection, camera, microphone, and any necessary software or applications. 

Q.3. How should I dress for a video interview? 

Ans: Choose an outfit that aligns with the company culture and industry. If it’s a formal setting, opt for business attire; if it’s more casual, smart-casual attire is suitable.

Stay in touch with Leverage Edu’s career counselling page to make a lasting impression in your job interviews!!

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