What is 360 Degree Feedback?

4 minute read

360-degree feedback or multi-rater feedback is used by corporations to evaluate the performance of employees. This evaluation determines the appraisal of the staff. In this method, the appraise receives feedback from her/their/his peers, supervisors, clients (seldom), and others, who are identified by the person being evaluated. For assessment purposes, the organisation prepares a standardised questionnaire. This questionnaire assesses the problem-solving, communication, leadership, and collaborative skills of the appraise. Based on the rating of the person being evaluated, she/they/he can determine her/their/his career path. However, this method has its limitations, which are mentioned in the subsequent sections.

Keep reading the blog to learn more about this appraisal evaluation method!!

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What is 360 Degree Feedback?

Multi-source feedback, or multi-rater feedback, is a performance appraisal method that gathers feedback from multiple sources to evaluate an individual’s skills, competencies, and behaviours. The term “360-degree” reflects the comprehensive nature of this feedback, which comes from all directions around an individual. This includes supervisors, peers, subordinates, and sometimes external stakeholders like clients or customers.

360 Degree Evaluation Method

Here is a breakdown of the 360-degree Feedback assessment method:

  • Selecting Evaluators: The person being evaluated (the “appraisee”) identifies a diverse group of individuals to provide feedback. This group typically includes supervisors, peers, direct reports, and sometimes clients or other relevant parties.
  • Creating the Questionnaire: A standardized questionnaire or survey is developed. It contains questions that assess various aspects of the appraisee’s performance, such as communication skills, leadership abilities, teamwork, problem-solving, and more. These questions are usually rated on a scale.
  • Ensuring Anonymity: To encourage honest feedback, the responses are generally kept anonymous.
  • Collecting Feedback: Participants complete the questionnaire, providing their ratings and comments based on their observations and interactions with the appraiser.
  • Data Compilation and Analysis: The feedback data is collected, compiled, and analyzed, often using specialized software tools designed for 360-degree feedback.
  • Generating the Report: A report is generated for the appraisee, summarizing the feedback received. This report may present the data in various formats, such as graphs, charts, or written summaries.
  • Feedback Discussion: The appraisee typically meets with a supervisor or facilitator to discuss the feedback.
  • Developing an Action Plan: Based on the feedback, the appraisee creates an action plan to build on their strengths and address any weaknesses. This plan might involve setting specific goals, seeking training or mentorship, or making behavioural changes.

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Pros and Cons of 360 Degree Feedback

It is important to note that the success of 360-degree feedback depends on careful planning, clear communication, and a commitment to using the feedback for developmental purposes. Organisations that implement this tool effectively can see substantial benefits in terms of improved teamwork, individual growth, and overall performance.


Here are some benefits of 360-degree feedback assessment:

  • Primarily, this evaluation method gives staff members input from a range of sources
  • Also, it builds and enhances accountability and teamwork
  • Additionally, it identifies operational problems that could obstruct employee’s career development
  • Furthermore, it identifies specific areas for professional growth
  • Further, the assessment decreases bias and discriminatory inclinations of raters
  • In addition, it provides constructive criticism to increase employee output
  • Moreover, it gives insight into training requirements

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Let us now view the disadvantages of the 360-degree evaluation method:

  • 360-degree feedback uses a minute portion of the system for evaluations of the overall performance.
  • Further, it causes organisational problems if it is implemented hurriedly or insufficiently
  • Besides, if not properly incorporated into existing performance plans, can fail to add value
  • Furthermore, as the method is anonymous, prevents receivers from learning more
  • In addition, it concentrates on employee flaws and deficiencies rather than their strengths
  • Also, it enables groups to turn around the system and provides feedback from unskilled raters
  • Moreover, it sometimes calls for extensive data collecting and processing

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Here are two examples of this evaluation system.

Example 1: Rohit’s Performance Review

Rohit, a project manager, gathers feedback from his supervisor, peers, team members, and clients. His feedback reflects positive communication and leadership but he tends to micromanage. 

Development Plan: Focus on delegation and autonomy.

Example 2: Siddhi’s Leadership Evaluation

Siddhi, a sales manager, seeks feedback from his supervisor, direct reports, peers, and a client. Strong in strategy and motivation, but needs improvement in delivering constructive feedback. 

Development Plan: Leadership training and structured feedback framework.


What is a 360 Degree Feedback?

A step in the performance management process called 360-degree feedback involves gathering feedback on an employee’s performance from peers, superiors, and customers. For the sake of evaluating and improving employee performance, this feedback may be used.

What are the benefits of 360-degree evaluation?

The key advantages of this method are increased self-awareness, developmental focus, enhanced accountability, and improved trust and communication.

What is an example of 360-degree evaluation?

Rohit, a project manager, gathers feedback from his supervisor, peers, team members, and clients. His feedback reflects positive communication and leadership but he tends to micromanage. Development Plan: Focus on delegation and autonomy

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