Write a Letter to Your Friend Narrating Some Interesting Incident in Which You Were Involved

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Letter to Your Friend Narrating Some Interesting Incident in Which You Were Involved

This page will discuss sample letters to your friend narrating some interesting incident in which you were involved. Such letter topics allow you to communicate your ideas, and share your experiences and thoughts. Such letter topics are part of the school curriculum to measure our English writing and verbal communication skills. The sample letters listed on this page below will surely help you improve your letter-writing skills. 

Sample Letter to Your Friend Narrating Some Interesting Incident in Which You Were Involved

S-22, Tower 12,
Ananya Housing Corporation,
Sector 22, Noida – 201301

21 June 2024

Dear Simran, 
I hope everything’s great with you! I’ve been thinking a lot about our school days at Unison World School in Dehradun and couldn’t help but laugh at some of the memories, especially the ones involving Dean Shefali Sanwal.

Do you remember how we always seemed to end up in her office, even when we weren’t doing anything wrong? It was almost like a routine! One incident stands out vividly in my mind. There was a day when we were just hanging out, not bullying any of the new joiners or causing any trouble. Yet, somehow, we were still called in by Dean Shefali.

She had this stern look on her face, the one that always made us feel like we were on trial. She started with her usual line, “I have called a cab, you guys will be going back home.” The first few times, that threat scared us. But over time, we realized it was just her way of trying to keep us in line. We’d nod seriously, but the moment we were out of her office, we’d burst out laughing.

Those sessions with Dean Shefali were something else. They became almost a part of our daily routine. It was like we had a reserved spot in her office! And though it seemed tough back then, I miss those times. The camaraderie, the inside jokes, and even the suspense of whether we’d be sent home – it all seems so funny and endearing now. I miss those carefree days badly.

Life has become so hectic and serious. I hope we can catch up soon and reminisce more about our school days. Maybe we can even visit the school together someday and see if things have changed.
Take care, and let’s talk soon!

Warm regards,

Check out these 199+ Letter Writing Topics for everyone.

Sample Letter to Your Friend Narrating Some Interesting Incident in Which You Were Involved

 Letter to Your Friend Narrating Some Interesting Incident in Which You Were Involved

Quick Read: Letter to Your Friend Telling Him About Your School

Sample Letter to Your Friend Narrating Some Interesting Incident in Which You Were Involved

Letter to Your Friend Narrating Some Interesting Incident in Which You Were Involved
Source: Bright Future

Letter Writing Tips to a Friend

In this section, we will discuss some of the best tips for writing a letter to your friend narrating some interesting incidents in which you were involved.

  • Begin your letter with a warm and casual greeting to set a friendly tone.
  • Provide some context to your story to help your friend visualize the setting and situation.
  • Share your feelings and reactions during the incident to make the story more relatable and engaging.
  • Use dialogue to make the story come alive and add a touch of humour to keep it light-hearted and entertaining.
  • Conclude your letter by reflecting on the incident or asking your friend about a similar experience to encourage a response.
  • End the letter on a positive note with a warm closing.


Q.1 What is a letter on to your friend narrating some interesting incident in which you were involved?

A.1 Dear [Friend’s Name], 
I hope everything’s great with you! I’ve been thinking a lot about our school days at Unison World School in Dehradun and couldn’t help but laugh at some of the memories, especially the ones involving Dean Shefali Sanwal.

Do you remember how we always seemed to end up in her office, even when we weren’t doing anything wrong? It was almost like a routine! One incident stands out vividly in my mind.

Q.2 Is a letter to a friend formal?

A.2 An informal letter is usually written to a family member, a close acquaintance, or a friend. The language used in an informal letter is casual and personal.

Q.3 What to write at the end of a letter?

A.3 Formal letters are concluded using ‘Regards’ or ‘Yours Sincerely’. Informal letters can end with a polite salutation such as ‘Take Care’, ‘Hope to see you soon’, ‘Your loving friend’, etc.

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For more information on such informative articles, visit our letter writing page and follow Leverage edu.

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