Write a Letter to Your Friend Discussing the Ways to Keep the Environment Clean and Healthy 

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Letter to Your Friend Discussing the Ways to Keep the Environment Clean and Healthy

In this blog, we will discuss sample letters to your friend discussing the ways to keep the environment clean and healthy. You can use these letter samples for academic and professional letter writing. While writing a letter, you also need to understand the format required for the given topic. 

Sample 1: Letter to Your Friend Discussing the Ways to Keep the Environment Clean and Healthy 

24/26-B, 2nd Floor,
New Link Road, Shahdara,

10 June 2023 

Dear Yuvika, 
I hope that you and your family are in great health. I am good too. Yesterday, our school hosted a seminar on how to keep the environment clean and healthy and I thought, why not share some insights with you.

Everybody knows that we should keep our environment clean. There are plenty of ways to do that. By following rules as simple as disposing of garbage properly, keeping our homes clean, maintaining clean surroundings, etc. we can keep the environment clean.

One of the most common things that causes the environment to become polluted is litter. People litter here and there, thus polluting the environment. So, we should keep in mind not to litter. By keeping the environment clean, we also prevent the spread of diseases. This promotes health and well-being for all. It’s our environment, so we should act responsibly and keep it clean and healthy. 

I hope that I may have inspired you to keep your environment clean and healthy. We haven’t met in a long time, so when you can find time, call me and we will plan an outing together. Till then, take care of yourself. 

Your loving friend,

Sample 2: Letter to Your Friend Discussing the Ways to Keep the Environment Clean and Healthy 

Letter to Keep the Environment Clean and Healthy

Quick Read: How to Write a Letter?

Letter Writing Tips for School Students

Before starting your letter, you need to consider certain important things, like what type of letter you are going to write, the suitable format, tone, and the person you are writing to. Here are some easy letter-writing tips for school students.

  • Begin with a Warm Greeting: Begin your letter with “Dear [Recipient’s Name]” if you know their name. If you don’t know the name, you can use “Dear Sir/Madam” or “To whom it may concern.”
  • Introduce Yourself (if necessary): If you are writing to someone who may not know you, introduce yourself briefly. For example, “My name is [Your Name] and I am a student at [Your School Name].”
  • Be Polite and Clear: Use polite words like “please” and “thank you.” Keep your sentences clear and easy to understand.
  • State Your Purpose: Clearly explain why you are writing the letter. Whether it’s to express gratitude, request information, or ask for something, make sure your purpose is clear.
  • Provide Details: Give details related to your purpose. If you’re requesting something, explain why you need it and when you need it.
  • Use Proper Format: Divide your letter into paragraphs – one for the introduction, one or more for the body, and one for the conclusion. Each paragraph should focus on a different point.
  • Ask Questions (if applicable): If you have questions, ask them. Use question words like “what,” “when,” “where,” “why,” and “how.”
  • Express Gratitude or Apology (if necessary): If you’re thanking someone or apologizing, express your feelings sincerely. For example, “Thank you for your help” or “I’m sorry for any inconvenience caused.”
  • Close Your Letter Politely: End your letter with a closing such as “Sincerely,” “Best regards,” or “Yours faithfully,” followed by your name.


Q.1 How do you keep your environment clean and healthy? 

Ans: We can maintain a clean environment by taking care of basic things like disposing of garbage properly, using paper and cloth bags, not littering, etc. 

Q.2 What is a clean and healthy environment? 

Ans: A clean and healthy environment is one where there is no pollution, garbage is well managed, there is clean drinking water, etc. 

Q.3 Why is it important to keep our environment clean and safe? 

Ans: It is important to keep our environment clean and safe because it helps keep society healthy and hygienic. 

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For more information on such informative articles, visit our Letter-writing page and follow Leverage edu

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