10 Best Words of the Day for School Assembly: 29th  December, 2024

4 minute read
word of the day for school assembly

Learning a new word every day comes with its benefits. It not only improves your knowledge but improves your communication skills as well. Thus, you can interact with your classmates confidently. Moreover, a strong vocabulary can help you to think critically. Therefore, we have compiled a list of the 5 best words of the day for school assembly. You can get to know its meaning, synonyms, and antonyms, and learn to use them in a sentence.

1. Hailstorm

MeaningA storm with small balls of ice (hail) falling from the sky.
Part of SpeechNoun
SynonymsHail, sleet, ice storm
AntonymsHeatwave, drought, clear skies
Examples1. Yesterday, a sudden hailstorm damaged the plants in our school garden.
2. The hailstorm quickly covered the playground with ice.
FactDid you know the largest recorded hailstone in the world weighed more than 2 pounds?
Books that start with Hailstorm1. Hailstorm and Harmony by John Parker
2. Hailstorm Heroes by Emma Barnes

2. Gravitas

MeaningSeriousness and importance, especially in speech or behaviour.
Part of SpeechNoun
SynonymsDignity, seriousness, importance
AntonymsLightness, frivolity, silliness
Examples1. The principal’s speech had a lot of gravitas, inspiring us all.
2. Leaders with gravitas can motivate others effectively.
FactGravitas is one of the virtues valued in ancient Roman culture, often linked to leadership.
Books that start with Gravitas1. Gravitas Matters by Alison Price
2. Gravitas in Action by Thomas Moore

3. Mayhem

MeaningChaos or disorder, often involving confusion or mess.
Part of SpeechNoun
SynonymsChaos, disorder, confusion
AntonymsOrder, calm, harmony
Examples1. The teacher helped calm the mayhem in the classroom after the fire drill.
2. Avoiding mayhem helps us create a peaceful environment.
FactThe word mayhem originally referred to physical harm in legal contexts before evolving into its current meaning.
Books that start with Mayhem1. Mayhem on the Metro by Emily Brown
2. Mayhem at the Museum by Sara Taylor

4. Gloomy

MeaningDark or dim, or feeling sad and without hope.
Part of SpeechAdjective
SynonymsDark, sad, overcast
AntonymsBright, cheerful, sunny
Examples1. The weather looked gloomy, but we still had fun indoors.
2. A gloomy mood can be brightened with positive thoughts.
FactMany cultures believe gloomy weather can affect emotions and mood.
Books that start with Gloomy1. Gloomy Adventures by Laura Gray
2. Gloomy Yet Glorious by Tim Roberts

5. Resilient

MeaningAble to recover quickly from challenges or setbacks.
Part of SpeechAdjective
SynonymsStrong, tough, adaptable
AntonymsWeak, fragile, vulnerable
Examples1. The students showed a resilient attitude during the tough competition.
2. Resilient people inspire others to stay strong.
FactRubber bands are a great example of resilience, as they bounce back to their original shape.
Books that start with Resilient1. Resilient Hearts by Emily Rose
2. Resilient Kids by Rebecca Collins

6. Serenity

MeaningA state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled.
Part of SpeechNoun
SynonymsCalm, peace, tranquility
AntonymsChaos, anxiety, noise
Examples1. The morning assembly filled us with serenity as we meditated.
2. Serenity can be achieved by spending time in nature.
FactThe word serenity comes from the Latin word “serenus,” meaning clear or bright.
Books that start with Serenity1. Serenity’s Secret by Alice Moore
2. Serenity in Nature by Paul Carter

7. Drizzling

MeaningRaining lightly in small drops.
Part of SpeechVerb
SynonymsSprinkling, showering, misting
AntonymsPouring, soaking, drying
Examples1. The drizzle in the morning refreshed the school garden.
2. Light drizzling is perfect for a peaceful walk.
FactDrizzling is different from rain because the drops are much smaller!
Books that start with Drizzling1. Drizzling Days by Jane Harper
2. Drizzling Adventures by Lucy Carter

8. Hypothesis

MeaningAn idea or explanation that is tested through experiments or observations.
Part of SpeechNoun
SynonymsTheory, assumption, guess
AntonymsFact, certainty, conclusion
Examples1. Our hypothesis for the science project was based on water evaporation.
2. Testing a hypothesis helps in learning new things.
FactThe word hypothesis comes from Greek, meaning “putting under” or “foundation.”
Books that start with Hypothesis1. Hypothesis Quest by Laura Hayes
2. Hypothesis for Kids by Michael Greene

9. Berserk

MeaningActing in a wild and uncontrollable way.
Part of SpeechAdjective
SynonymsCrazy, frenzied, out of control
AntonymsCalm, peaceful, composed
Examples1. The crowd went berserk with excitement during the sports event.
2. Berserk reactions often create unnecessary chaos.
FactThe word berserk comes from Norse legends about warriors called berserkers who fought fiercely in battle.
Books that start with Berserk1. Berserk Adventures by Alan Walker
2. Berserk for Fun by Kate Morris

10. Grimace

MeaningA facial expression that shows discomfort or dislike.
Part of SpeechNoun
SynonymsScowl, frown, sneer
AntonymsSmile, grin, beam
Examples1. He grimaced when he accidentally spilled the juice.
2. A grimace is common when tasting something sour.
FactStudies show that even babies grimace when they taste something bitter for the first time!
Books that start with Grimace1. Grimace’s Tale by Oliver Green
2. Grimace Chronicles by Sarah Bell

Quote of the Day for School Assembly with Meaning

This quote means that what differentiates a successful person from an unsuccessful person is doing the uncomfortable thing. They put in the extra effort, dedicate time, and work hard. Moreover, they do this consistently. This over time, compounds and makes them successful. 

These are the 5 Best Words of the Day for School Assembly: 29th December 2024. Want to find out new words for each day?  Check out our word of the day page. 

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