10 Best Words of the Day for School Assembly:5th  December 2024

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word of the day for school assembly

Learning a new word every day comes with its benefits. It not only improves your knowledge but improves your communication skills as well. Thus, you can interact with your classmates confidently. Moreover, a strong vocabulary can help you to think critically. Therefore, we have compiled a list of the 5 best words of the day for school assembly. You can get to know its meaning, synonyms, and antonyms, and learn to use them in a sentence.

1. Tremors

MeaningSmall, shaking movements caused by an earthquake, excitement, or fear.
Part of SpeechNoun
SynonymsVibrations, quivering, shaking
AntonymsStability, calmness, stillness
Examples1. The tremors woke up everyone early in the morning.
2. The student’s hands had slight tremors before her speech.
Fun FactEarthquakes can even happen on other planets, like Mars, where they’re called marsquakes!
Books that start with Tremors1. Tremors of the Earth by Peter Murray
2. Tremors: A Novel by Catherine Hosman

2. Picturesque

MeaningVery beautiful or charming, like a picture.
Part of SpeechAdjective
SynonymsScenic, charming, beautiful
AntonymsOrdinary, plain, ugly
Examples1. The village looked picturesque after the morning rain.
2. The students admired the picturesque scenery during the school trip.
Fun FactThe word picturesque comes from the Italian word pittura, meaning “a painting.”
Books that start with Picturesque1. Picturesque Towns of Europe by James Bentley
2. Picturesque India by William Sproston Caine

3. Diplomatic

MeaningBeing tactful and polite when dealing with others, especially in difficult situations.
Part of SpeechAdjective
SynonymsCourteous, tactful, polite
AntonymsInsensitive, blunt, rude
Examples1. The teacher praised the student for handling the argument in a diplomatic way.
2. Good leaders always try to be diplomatic when resolving conflicts.
Fun FactDiplomats from different countries often know multiple languages to communicate effectively!
Books that start with Diplomatic1. Diplomatic Immunity by Lois McMaster Bujold
2. Diplomatic Adventures by Harry Furniss

4. Thaw

MeaningTo melt or become unfrozen.
Part of SpeechVerb
SynonymsSoften, melt, defrost
AntonymsSolidify, harden, freeze
Examples1. The ice on the road began to thaw as the sun rose.
2. Friendship can thaw even after a long disagreement.
Fun FactSome animals, like wood frogs, can freeze during winter and thaw back to life in spring!
Books that start with Thaw1. Thaw: A Cold War Thriller by Rick Campbell 2. Thaw by Fiona Cole

5. Envy

MeaningA feeling of wanting what someone else has.
Part of SpeechNoun
SynonymsJealousy, admiration, covetousness
AntonymsGoodwill, contentment, generosity
Examples1. The student felt no envy and clapped happily for her friend’s award.
2. Envy should never stop you from working hard for your dreams.
Fun FactAncient Romans believed the goddess Invidia caused envy and jealousy!
Books that start with Envy1. Envy: A Luxe Novel by Anna Godbersen
2. Envy by Sandra Brown

6. Recuse

MeaningTo step away from a situation to avoid a conflict of interest.
Part of SpeechVerb
SynonymsStep aside, excuse, withdraw
AntonymsInvolve, participate, engage
Examples1. The judge decided to recuse herself from the case.
2. It’s important to recuse yourself if there’s a personal bias.
Fun FactThe term recuse comes from the Latin word recusare, meaning “to refuse.”
Books that start with Recuse1. Recuse Yourself by Francis Wood
2. Recuse and Resolve by Andrew Fletcher

7. Impeachment

MeaningThe process of accusing a public official of wrongdoing.
Part of SpeechNoun
SynonymsIndictment, charge, accusation
AntonymsDefense, exoneration, acquittal
Examples1. The teacher explained the concept of impeachment during the civics lesson.
2. Impeachment ensures accountability in leadership.
Fun FactOnly three US presidents have been impeached in history!
Books that start with Impeachment1. Impeachment: A Citizen’s Guide by Cass R. Sunstein
2. Impeachment: An American History by Jeffrey A. Engel

8. Martial law

MeaningA system where the military takes control during emergencies.
Part of SpeechNoun
SynonymsEmergency governance, military rule, army control
AntonymsCivil governance, democracy, civilian control
Examples1. Martial law was declared after the major flood to maintain order.
2. History classes often discuss martial law in the context of wars.
Fun FactMartial law is named after Mars, the Roman god of war!
Books that start with Martial law1. Martial Law: A Novel by Franklin Allen Leib
2. Martial Law Manual by Ted Westhusing

9. Sacrilege

MeaningAn act of disrespecting something considered sacred.
Part of SpeechNoun
SynonymsIrreverence, blasphemy, desecration
AntonymsRespect, piety, reverence
Examples1. Defacing monuments is considered sacrilege.
2. The student learned about sacrilege in a lesson on historical ethics.
Fun FactThe word sacrilege comes from Latin, meaning “to steal sacred things.”
Books that start with Sacrilege1. Sacrilege by S.J. Parris
2. Sacrilege and Other Stories by J.D. Landis

10. Rampage

MeaningA period of wild and uncontrollable behaviour.
Part of SpeechNoun
SynonymsFrenzy, fury, outburst
AntonymsPeace, calm, order
Examples1. The elephant went on a rampage after being startled.
2. A rampage is not the solution to any problem.
Fun FactThe word rampage comes from an Old French term meaning “to rear up on hind legs,” like a horse.
Books that start with Rampage1. Rampage: The Untold Story by James Dickey
2. Rampage by E.M. Hall

Quote of the Day for School Assembly with Meaning

This quote means that you will be criticised no matter what you do. Therefore, it is best to do what you think is right rather than following the crowd. Criticism is inevitable, particularly when you are doing something different.

These are the 5 Best Words of the Day for School Assembly: 5 December 2024. Want to find out new words for each day?  Check out our word of the day page. 

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