Speech on Disaster Management for School Students

7 minute read
Speech on Disaster Management

Speech is one of the best ways to express our thoughts. In our school duration, we polish this skill and build on it to be able to convey our thoughts more clearly. One such time we improve on it is the ASL or Assessment of Speaking and Listening. It is an integral part of the CBSE Class IX and X curriculum. It is a part of the comprehensive and continuous evaluation system under CBSE in which the students usually have to choose a topic they wish to speak on and then prepare a speech on it within a limited time duration. In this blog, we have curated samples of speech on Disaster Management, for ASL and public speaking competitions. Let’s have a look at the same. 

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Short Speech on Disaster Management

Good morning to the esteemed authorities and the people present here. My name is Joey and today I am going to present before you a speech on Disaster Management. I hope that I will able to convey my views on the same. 

All of the people present here should have heard about any of the disasters, some on the other hand might even have survived one. Disasters cannot be prevented because they are natural. What we can do is manage during times of disaster and safeguard ourselves as well as other people from it. 

Now, to understand disaster management, we must understand what disasters are. Disasters can be of two types:- natural and man-made. Natural disasters don’t strike that often, but when they do, they prove that nature is the ultimate force and nothing can stop it. On the other hand, man-made disasters happen quite often which are a result of carelessness and negligence of maintenance. When we lack infrastructure, it becomes another important factor that leads to disasters. We, humans, exploit natural resources to such an extent that it brings on disasters in the long run. Hence, it is of great importance to teach school students and the upcoming generation respect for nature. 

Disaster management is extremely important and vital in safeguarding ourselves from sudden destruction. In such times, safety is the number one priority, and disaster management can help us to seek protection at the time of disaster. The Natural Disaster Management Authority is the apex head in India and takes on the responsibility during disasters. However, there are a lot of certain measures that still need to be taken to prepare for disasters. Structures and buildings need to be strictly made by following the regulations and guidelines issued by the Disaster Management Authority of India. 

In conclusion, I would like to add that Disaster management is vital for all, irrespective of the different sectors and we need to adopt it more efficiently. People should understand the importance of disaster management and make themselves aware by learning more about it. Be ready when a disaster strikes, because if not today, maybe tomorrow it will come in handy to save lives. 

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Long Speech on Disaster Management

A very good morning to the respected authorities and one and all present here. My name is Joey and today I am here to present before you a speech on Disaster Management. I hope that I will be able to convey my thoughts on the same to you. 

We live in such an age where our planet is calling out to us. There’s pollution, global warming etc. All this has contributed to disasters happening all around the globe. Disasters can be of two types:- natural and man-made. Natural disasters include tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, etc. Generally, natural disasters don’t strike that often but due to the actions of us humans, we have sped the frequency of their occurrence. Hence, to safeguard ourselves, disaster management is vital.

Disaster Management is a branch of study that helps us manage disasters and survive them. It has now become crucial for us all to be equally equipped with some common sense when an event of disaster calls for. In almost every country, there is an organisation formed to deal with calamities which is known as the Disaster Management Authority. This authority is ideally developed to help communities and society in times of disaster and save as many lives as possible. 

It is mostly been observed that the elderly, women, and children are more vulnerable in times of disasters. Hence, what I am sharing today might come in handy at such a time. The Disaster Management Authority has a lot of measures that can be taken to avoid a disaster before it even strikes. For Example:- a natural disaster such as a forest fire or a man-made one such as terrorism can be avoided through efficient planning and preventive measures.  

What’s important for people to understand is not to panic in such a situation and to act wisely. People need to be aware to understand the preventive measures that can be taken by each individual. The employees of disaster management are trained to carry out rescue operations efficiently, so that they can rescue people successfully during building collapses, major fires, floods, etc.

The cooperation of civilians is equally important in disaster management. They need to keep a check on their emotions and hence be positive in such a situation. The disaster management team helps in providing relief measures along with rescue measures. They distribute food, medicines, essential supplies, relief camps, etc. so that during such a calamity, people can still find relief. The people’s cooperation will help boost their morale. 

The disaster management team is in association with the local authorities to carry out the rehabilitation process in the affected areas. Some of the rehabilitations include the construction of homes, schools, and other infrastructure. It is very important to understand their situation as well. They are also affected by the same calamity but still, they are showing such courage, determination, and selflessness. Hence, it becomes our responsibility to show patience, be kind to them, and appreciate their work. They also help to minimize trauma and tension after any type of disaster. 

I hope that my perspective can paint a picture for you all and convey my thoughts to you. In the end, I would just like to say that we as a society can get through any disaster. Hope can be found even in the darkest of times if only one remembers to turn the light on. 

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Q.1. How do you start a speech in disaster management?

Ans: You can start a speech on disaster management in the following way:-
“A very good morning to the respected authorities and one and all present here. My name is Jake and today I am here to present before you a speech on Disaster Management. I hope that I will be able to convey my thoughts on the same to you…..”

Q.2. What is a disaster management short note?

Ans: Disaster management is extremely important and vital in safeguarding ourselves from sudden destruction. In such times, safety is the number one priority, and disaster management can help seek protection at the time of disasters. The Natural Disaster Management Authority is the apex head in India and is responsible in times of disaster. However, certain measures still need to be taken to prepare for disasters. Structures and buildings need to be strictly made by following the regulations and guidelines issued by the Disaster Management Authority of India. 

Q.3. What is disaster management in 200 words?

Ans: Disaster management is extremely important and vital in safeguarding ourselves from sudden destruction. Disasters can be of two types:- natural and man-made. Natural disasters don’t strike that often, but when they do, they prove that nature is the ultimate force and nothing can stop it. On the other hand, man-made disasters happen quite often which are a result of carelessness and negligence of maintenance. When we lack infrastructure, it becomes another important factor that leads to disasters. We, humans, exploit natural resources to such an extent that it brings on disasters in the long run. Hence, it is of great importance to teach school students and the upcoming generation respect for nature. 

During a disaster, safety is the number one priority and disaster management can help seek protection at the time of disasters. The Natural Disaster Management Authority is the apex head in India which is responsible in the time of disasters. However, there are a lot of certain measures that still need to be taken to prepare for disasters. Structures and buildings need to be strictly made by following the regulations and guidelines issued by the Disaster Management Authority of India.,

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With this, we come to the end of our blog on Speech on Disaster Management. If you are studying for your exams and need quick notes for revision, check out other study blogs on Leverage Edu and subscribe to our newsletter to get regular updates. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

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