How To Write A Letter To Principal Requesting For TC: Check Samples and Format

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How To Write A Letter To Principal Requesting For TC

A transfer certificate, also known as a TC, is an important certificate issued when a student wishes to enrol in another school. This certificate is given by the prior school from which the student wishes to transfer to another school. We will look at the format and offer some samples of how to write a letter to the principal requesting TC. Continue reading to learn more about it.

Sample 1: Write A Letter To Principal Requesting For TC

The Principal
National Victor Public School
Delhi- 201019

Date: May 2, 2024

Subject: Request for Transfer Certificate

Respected Sir,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing this letter to get my transfer certificate (TC), which is required for my admission to another school.

My name is Saransh, and I am currently a student in class 10 at  National Victor Public School. I am planning to change schools because I want to pursue the humanities stream in 11th and 12th grade, which is not offered at my current school. As per the admission policy, I would need my transfer certificate to proceed with my admissions process.

Hence, I kindly request that you provide my transfer certificate at your earliest convenience.
Thank you for considering my request. I am looking forward to your positive response.
Yours sincerely,

Also Read: Write a Letter to Your Friend Advising Him to Adjust to the New Place as His Father Just Got Transferred: Check Samples

Sample 2: Write A Letter To Principal Requesting For TC

How To Write A Letter To Principal Requesting For TC

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Format of How To Write A Letter To Principal Requesting For TC

Receiver’s Designation Address
Respected ma’am/sir,

Gives a brief abstract of the content to follow.

Includes the main details and subject matter of the letter.

This part concludes the information, provides a summary and gives fluidity to the whole content. 
A letter appears better structured if the writer adheres to this sequence of writing. 

Yours Sincerely, 
Sender’s Name
Sender’s Designation (Optional)
Sender’s Signature


Q.1. What is a formal letter?

Ans: A formal letter is a letter written to a designated individual for official purposes. It has a professional tone and follows a specific format.

Q.2. Why is TC required for the admission procedure?

Ans: A transfer certificate, or TC, is an important document required when a student wishes to leave one institution and enrol in another. It shows that a student is affiliated with one school at a given moment.

Q.3. What are the main parts of a letter?

Ans: There are three sections to any letter, formal or informal: the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. By following the above-mentioned format, you can gain a deeper understanding of it.

Check out more letter-writing topics here:

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We hope the above-listed sample letters will improve your letter-writing skills. For more such interesting topics, visit our Letter Writing page and follow Leverage Edu

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