Essay on Chandrayaan 3 🧑‍🚀: Timeline, Successful Landing

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essay on chandrayaan 3

To mark the successful landing of the Chandryaan-3 on the lunar surface, the Indian Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, announced that 23rd August will be annually celebrated as National Space Day.

This article will cover some samples of essay on Chandryaan-3. Chandrayaan-3 was the first Indian spacecraft to successfully land on the south pole of the lunar surface. It was launched on 14th July 2023 by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) from its Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC)-SHAR in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh. On 23rd August at 18:03 IST, the lander Vikram touched down on the lunar south pole. This showed India’s capability of safely landing on the lunar surface, thus making it the first country to step on a lunar-south pole through Chandrayaan 3.

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Source: India Today

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Essay on Chandrayaan-3 in 100 Words

The first lunar exploration mission in the history of ISRO was Chandrayan. It was launched in the year 2008 and since then 2 more follow missions have been launched under this program. 

The second follow-up mission was launched in 2019 and followed by a third follow-up mission in 2023. The success of Chandrayaan 3 has marked the country in different records such as the first country to land on the moon’s south pole and the most cost-effective execution. 

It was launched on July 14, 2023, from Sriharikota’s SDSC SHAR and landed successfully on 23rd August 2023. The mission will be carried down for 14 Earth days i.e. the Rover on the ladder will roam around the moon and study its surface for 14 days. This successful attempt has made India very sure of further development and planned missions for the Moon.

Essay on Chandrayaan 3 in English 150 Words

Chandrayaan-3 is India’s ambitious space mission which has made India proud. It was a successful space mission aimed to conduct a soft landing at the lunar south pole of the moon through the Vikram Lander. The spacecraft is also equipped with a Rover Pragyan consisting of payloads to study the moon’s surface. Apart from this, there were 9 sensors in the Lander.

Talking about the Payloads, there were 4 payloads in the lander namely ChaSTE, ILSA, RAMBHA, and LRA. 2 Rover payloads were APXS and LIBS. The propulsion module also contains a payload i.e. SHAPE. These payloads are designed to study the moon’s surface.

Chandrayaan-3 was active for 14 Earth days in the presence of the sun. After which, the Lander and the Rover were kept to sleep on 2 September because they could not function in the absence of sunlight. Later, efforts were made to wake Lander and Rover when the sunlight hit the moon’s surface. But ISRO revealed that there were no signals from the Lander and Rover.

Despite this, the project was a successful one and it has marked the name of India in Golden words in the history of Space.

Hon’ble Prime Minister of India has named the landing spot of Chandrayaan-3 as Shiv Shakti Point.

Essay on Chandrayaan 3 in 200 Words

Chandrayaan-3 is the most successful follow-up mission in the history of Indian space missions. It was followed by the successful Chandrayaan 1 and partly successful Chandrayaan 2. It has made a successful soft landing on the lunar surface and made India the fourth country to land on the lunar surface. 

It also marked India as the first country to land on the Moon’s south pole. It examined the presence of water and also gathered some valuable scientific information and data about its mineral composition and its geology. 

One of the main objections to this lunar mission was to make a soft landing. The Rover ‘Pragyan” will roam on the lunar surface for 1 Lunar day (Around 14 Earth Days). 

The cost of Chandrayaan 3 is much less than the previous attempt which is around INR 615 Crores making it the most cost-effective lunar mission. 

Timeline of Chandryaan 3

On 7th September 2019, ISRO’s Chandryaan 2 crashed while attempting a soft landing on the lunar surface. Since then, the Indian Space Research Organisation decided to build a successor to the Chandrayaan 2.

  • 06 July 2023 – Chandryaan 3 is scheduled to launch on July 14, 2023, at 14:35 Hrs. IST from the Second Launch Pad, SDSC-SHAR, Sriharikota.
  • 07 July 2023 – Vehicle electrical tests completed. 
  • 11 July 2023 – The ‘Launch Rehearsal’ simulation the launch preparation and process lasting 24 hours was concluded.
  • 14 July 2023 – LVM3 M4 vehicle successfully launched Chandrayaan-3 into orbit. Chandrayaan-3, in its precise orbit, started its journey to the Moon.
  • 15 July 2023 – The first orbit-raising manoeuvre was performed at ISTRAC/ISRO, Bengaluru. The spacecraft was in 41762 km x 173 km orbit.
  • 17 July 2023 – The second orbit-raising manoeuvre was performed. The spacecraft was in 41603 km x 226 km orbit.
  • 25 July 2023 – The last orbit-raising manoeuvre was performed.
  • 01 August 2023 – The spacecraft entered the translunar orbit.
  • 05 August 2023 – Chandrayaan-3 was successfully inserted into the lunar orbit.
  • 14 August 2023 – The mission was in the orbit circularisation phase. 
  • 17 August 2023 – The Lander Module was successfully separated from the Propulsion Module.
  • 23 August 2023 – Chandrayaan-3 successfully reached its destination
    Chandrayaan-3 completed soft-landed on the moon. Congratulations, India!
Source – ISRO (X)

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About Chandrayaan Project

The Chandrayaan Project is one of the most successful projects in the history of India’s space agency. It was launched by ISRO for the exploration of the lunar surface. 

The first mission i.e. Chandrayaan-1 was launched on 22 October 2008. It was a successful mission and was inserted into the lunar orbit on 8th November 2008. It marked a new success for the country and India became the fifth country in world history to reach the lunar surface. The cost of this mission was around 386 crores a lot less than any other space agency. The most prominent discovery of this mission was the presence of water molecules in the lunar south pole. It stopped communication with the base on 28 August 2009 and was declared over.

Chandrayaan-2 was followed by a second mission that was launched on 22 July 2019. It was successfully inserted into the lunar orbit on 20 August 2019 but failed to make a soft landing on the lunar surface on 6th September 2019 just 2.1 km away from the surface. However, it was declared partly successful because the orbiter was still functional for around 7.5 years.

Source: ISRO

Points about Chandrayaan-3

Another successful lunar landing attempt was made recently in the year 2023 and was launched on 14 July 2023. It completed its landing and the lander “Vikram Lander” and Rover “Pragyan” landed on the lunar south pole on 23rd August 2023. 

The main aim of this mission is the same as the Chandrayaan 2 to study the atmosphere of the moon and also explore its mineral composition. It will also further explore the presence of water in the lunar surface. The cost of this follow-up mission is around INR 615 crores making it one of the most cost-effective lunar missions.

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Source: ISRO Official

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What is the history of Chandrayaan?

The first mission of Chandrayaan i.e. Chandrayaan 1 was launched in 2008. It was followed by Chandrayaan 2 and Chandrayaan-3 in 2019 and 2023 respectively. The latest version of Chandrayaan was a successful attempt to make India the first country to land safely on the Moon’s South Pole region.

What is special about Chandrayaan 3?

The successful attempt of Chandrayaan 3 made India the first country to land on the moon in its south pole region. 

What is the cost of Chandrayaan 3?

The cost of Chandrayaan 3 is approximately 615 crores ($75 million). It is the most affordable and successful mission to land on moon in the history. 

How to write an essay on Chandrayaan-3 in English?

Chandrayaan-3 was a successful mission by the Indian Space Research Organization. It has demonstrated a soft landing on the unexplored lunar south pole of the moon and conducted in-situ research. It was launched on 14 July 2023 and landed on 23 August 2023.

Hence, we hope that this blog has assisted you in comprehending what an essay on Chandrayaan 3 must include. For more information on such interesting topics, visit our essay writing page and follow Leverage Edu.

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