How to Write 50 in Roman Numerals?

3 minute read
50 in Roman Numerals

Writing 50 in Roman numerals is straightforward once you know the basics. Roman numerals use combinations of letters to represent numbers. For 50, the symbol is L, derived from the Latin word quinquaginta, meaning fifty. Unlike numbers like 40 (XL) or 90 (XC), 50 stands alone without additional subtraction or addition symbols. Learning Roman numerals enriches your understanding of ancient numbering systems and can be fun for students. Let us start the learning process by understanding different aspects of how to write 50 in Roman numerals.

How to Write 50 in Roman Numerals?

To write 50 in Roman numerals, you use the letter L. This comes from the Latin word quinquaginta, which means 50. There’s no need for any additional calculations or combinations for this number.

NumberRoman Numeral

How to Convert L to Number

To convert L from Roman numerals to a number, you simply need to know the value of the Roman numeral L, which is 50. Roman numerals are made up of seven symbols (I, V, X, L, C, D, M), and each has a fixed value.

L = 50
So, if you see L alone, it directly represents the number 50

Check important Roman Numbers here:

Roman Number for 10Roman Number for 70
Roman Number for 20Roman Number for 80
Roman Number for 30Roman Number for 90
Roman Number for 40Roman Number for 100
Roman Number for 60Roman Number for 200

Exercise on 50 in Roman Numerals

Let us practice some questions on Roman Numerals here.

Addition and Subtraction

Add/subtract the following numbers and answer in Roman Numerals

  1. 50 + 50 = ___ 
  2. 100 – 50 = ___ 
  3. 250 + 100 = ___ 
  4. 500 – 55 = ___


  1. 50 + 50 = 100 → C
  2. 100 – 50 = 50 → L
  3. 250 + 100 = 350 → CCCL
  4. 500 – 55 = 445 → CDXLV

Convert to Roman Numerals

Convert the following numbers into Roman numerals:

  1. 100
  2. 150
  3. 55
  4. 505


  1. 100 → C
  2. 150 → CL
  3. 55 → LV
  4. 505 → DV

Convert to Numbers

Convert the following Roman numerals to numbers:

  1. LIX
  2. LXV
  3. LXXV
  4. LXXXV


  1. LIX → 59
  2. LXV → 65
  3. LXXV → 75
  4. LXXXV → 85

Match the Following

Match the following numbers to Roman numerals:

NumbersRoman Numerals
(i) 105(a) DV
(ii) 250(b) DV
(iii) 55(c ) CV
(iv) 505(d) LV


(i) 105 → (c) CV

(ii) 250 → (d) CCL

(iii) 55 → (d) LV

(iv) 505 → (a) DV

Learn about other important Roman Numerals here:

Roman Number for 1Roman Number for 11
Roman Number for 2Roman Number for 12
Roman Number for 3Roman Number for 13
Roman Number for 4Roman Number for 14
Roman Number for 5Roman Number for 15
Roman Number for 6Roman Number for 16
Roman Number for 7Roman Number for 17
Roman Number for 8Roman Number for 18
Roman Number for 9Roman Number for 19


Q1. What Roman numeral is L?

Ans: L = 50

Q2. How is 50 different from 5 in Roman numerals?

Ans: 50 is L, while 5 is V. These symbols represent different values in the Roman numeral system.

Q3. How do you say 50 in Roman?

Ans: 50 in Roman numeral is L.

Q4. What Roman numeral is V?

Ans: V = 5

Q5. What is 500 in Roman numerals?

Ans: 500 = D

Q6. What is 100 in Roman numeral?

Ans: 100 = C

Q7. What is 5000 in Roman numerals?

Ans: 5000 is written as V̅ (a V with a bar over it, indicating multiplication by 1000).

Q8. What comes after 50 in Roman numerals?

Ans: The number 51, written as LI, comes after 50.

Q9. How do you write 150 in Roman numerals?

Ans: 150 is written as CL (C for 100 and L for 50).

Q10. What comes before 50 in Roman numerals?

Ans: The number 49 comes before 50. 49 is written as XLIX.

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