The number 120 is written as One Hundred Twenty in English words. Being an even and natural number, it is divisible by two without a remainder. One Hundred Twenty, or 120, is a number we use every day in our lives. We also use it for measuring, like 120 inches, or for talking about amounts, like 120 dollars. There are various properties and interesting facts associated with the number 120. Let’s explore more about this number and its different uses. Today in this article, we will explore the number 120 in words, number patterns, place value system rules, and how it relates to other mathematical concepts. So without any further delay, let us directly get started with the article. Explore Now!
Table of Contents
What is 120?
One hundred twenty is a number we use for counting. It comes right after 119 (one hundred nineteen) and before 120 (one hundred twenty-one).
This can be understood as, if you invited 12 friends to your party. If each friend brings 10 balloons, you’ll have 120 balloons in total.
It’s interesting to know that in some languages, like German, people used to call one hundred twenty simply “one hundred”.
Also Read: 81 in words: How to Spell 81 with Solved Examples
120 in Words in English
One hundred and twenty is a number. It comes after 119 (one hundred and nineteen) and before 121 (one hundred and twenty-one). It is written as 120 with a one, a two, and a zero. This number is bigger than one hundred but smaller than two hundred. People use numbers like this to count things.
How to Write 120 in Words? | One Hundred and Twenty |
What is the Square Root of 120? | 10.954451 |
Is 120 a Prime Number? | No |
Is 120 an Even Number? | Yes |
Is 120 a Perfect Cube? | No |
Is 120 a Composite Number? | Yes |
What is 120 Decimal to Binary? | (120)₁₀ = (1111000)₂ |
Is 120 a Perfect Square? | No |
Is 120 an Odd Number? | No |
How to Convert 120 in Words?
Using the place value chart, one can convert any number into words. 120 has 3 digits, now let us create a place value chart to convert the same:
Hundreds | Tens | Ones |
1 | 2 | 0 |
So, the expanded form of 120 will be:
=1 × Hundred + 2 × Ten + 0 × One
= 1 × 100 + 2 × 10 + 0 × 1
= 100 + 20
= 120
= Therefore, 120 can be written as One Hundred Two in English
Facts of Number 120
120 is the smallest number that can be divided evenly by all numbers from 1 to 6. It’s also the product of the first five numbers (1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5). You can spot some of the more interesting facts about the number 120 below.
- 120 is an even number because it can be divided by 2 without leaving a remainder.
- It is a multiple of 10, meaning it can be divided by 10 without leaving a remainder.
- 120 is the factorial of 5, which means 5 multiplied by all the numbers below it (5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1) equals 120.
- It can be divided evenly by many numbers, including 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 24, 30, 40, 60.
- The square root of 120 is approximately 10.95.
Solved Examples on 120 in Words
For a better understanding of about 120 in words, we have a few of the solved examples. Let’s practice using word problems related to 120:
Question 1: Divide two hundred forty by two. Express the result in words.
Solution: Given numbers: 240 and 2
Division = 240 ÷ 2 = 120
Therefore, two hundred forty divided by two equals one hundred twenty.
Question 2: Multiply twelve by ten. Express the result in words.
Solution: Given numbers: 12 and 10
Product = 12 * 10 = 120
Therefore, the product of twelve and ten is one hundred twenty.
Question 3: Subtract eighteen from one hundred thirty-eight. Express the result in words.
Solution: Given numbers: 138 and 18
Difference = 138 – 18 = 120
Therefore, the difference between one hundred thirty-eight and eighteen is one hundred twenty.
Question 4: Add fifty-four and sixty-six. Express the result in words.
Solution: Given numbers: 54 and 66
Sum = 54 + 66 = 120
Therefore, the sum of fifty-four and sixty-six is one hundred twenty.
35 to 120 Numbers in Words
You can find resources online that list all numbers 35 to 120 in words. For now, you can focus on practising writing 83!
Number | Word Form | Number | Word Form | Number | Word Form |
35 | Thirty-Five | 36 | Thirty-Six | 37 | Thirty-Seven |
38 | Thirty-Eight | 39 | Thirty-Nine | 40 | Forty |
41 | Forty-One | 42 | Forty-Two | 43 | Forty-Three |
44 | Forty-Four | 45 | Forty-Five | 46 | Forty-Six |
47 | Forty-Seven | 48 | Forty-Eight | 49 | Forty-Nine |
50 | Fifty | 51 | Fifty-One | 52 | Fifty-Two |
53 | Fifty-Three | 54 | Fifty-Four | 55 | Fifty-Five |
56 | Fifty-Six | 57 | Fifty-Seven | 58 | Fifty-Eight |
59 | Fifty-Nine | 60 | Sixty | 61 | Sixty-One |
62 | Sixty-Two | 63 | Sixty-Three | 64 | Sixty-Four |
65 | Sixty-Five | 66 | Sixty-Six | 67 | Sixty-Seven |
68 | Sixty-Eight | 69 | Sixty-Nine | 70 | Seventy |
71 | Seventy-One | 72 | Seventy-Two | 73 | Seventy-Three |
74 | Seventy-Four | 75 | Seventy-Five | 76 | Seventy-Six |
77 | Seventy-Seven | 78 | Seventy-Eight | 79 | Seventy-Nine |
80 | Eighty | 81 | Eighty-One | 82 | Eighty-Two |
83 | Eighty-Three | 84 | Eighty-Four | 85 | Eighty-Five |
86 | Eighty-Six | 87 | Eighty-Seven | 88 | Eighty-Eight |
89 | Eighty-Nine | 90 | Ninety | 108 | One Hundred Two |
103 | One-Hundred Three | 104 | One-Hundred Four | 105 | One-Hundred Five |
106 | One-Hundred Six | 107 | One-Hundred Seven | 108 | One-Hundred Eight |
109 | One-Hundred Nine | 110 | One-Hundred Ten | 111 | One-Hundred One |
112 | One-Hundred Twelve | 113 | One-Hundred Three | 114 | One-Hundred Four |
115 | One-Hundred Fifteen | 116 | One-Hundred Sixteen | 117 | One-Hundred Seventeen |
118 | One-Hundred Eighteen | 119 | One-Hundred Nineteen | 120 | One-Hundred Twenty |
120 in words is “one hundred twenty”.
120.00 in words is “one hundred twenty dollars and zero cents” (or any other currency). The “.00” typically signifies cents or decimals in monetary value.
Yes, 120 is an even number as it is divisible by 2.
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