Who Discovered Electron?

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Who Discovered Electron

In the year 1897, Scientist JJ Thomson discovered an electron. During the research of Cathode rays, he discovered negatively charged atoms that were much smaller than atoms. Also, the mass of an electron is low, that is 9.1093837015 x 10-31 kg.

The number of electrons can be calculated easily, as it is equal to the atomic number of an element, for neutrally charged species. J.J. Thomson carried out experiments by taking gas at low pressure of 0.01mm Hg in a discharge tube.

Characteristics of Electron

Electron is the smallest unit of an atom and rest two other units are protons and neutrons. Below, we have mentioned the characteristics of electrons to help us understand the concept.

  • Mass of an electron: The mass of an electron is equal to the 9 × 10^–31 gram.
  • Charge of an electron: The charge of an electron is negative.
  • Place of an electron: Electron is a subatomic particle of the atom which is present outside the nucleus. Unlike, protons and neutrons present inside the nucleus.
  • Never in Rest: According to the Bohr Atom Model, an electron is continuously moving and never be in rest position.

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Discovery of Electron, Proton and Neutron

  • Electron is discovered by JJ Thomson in the year 1897.
  • Proton is discovered by E Rutherford in the year 1909.
  • Neutron is discovered by James Chadwick in the year 1932

Difference Between Electron, Proton and Neutron

In the table below, we have mentioned the major differences between electrons, protons and neutrons. Check it out once.

ChargeNegative ChargePositive ChargeNeutral (No Charge)
Mass9 × 10^–31 gram1.67×10^−27kg1.67×10^−27kg
Represented ase-p+n


Who Discovered Electron?

In the late 19th century, physicist J.J. Thomson discovered Electron. He began experimenting with cathode ray tubes in the year 1897. Proton is discovered in the year 1909 by Rutherford. Neutron is discovered in the year 1932 by James Chadwick.

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