What is the full form of TA?

2 minute read

The full form of TA is Travelling Allowance. It is a type of fund that pays a specific amount to the workers by their company. Moreover, as the name suggests, Travelling Allowance is generally given during a business trip to cover transportation expenses. In some cases, it can also include hotel bills, meals, and the price of flight tickets. It should be noted that TA can vary depending on the policies of companies. 

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How is TA Calculated?

The calculation of TA or Travelling Allowance depends on different factors which depend on the company. It generally includes the mode of transportation, purpose of the trip, duration of the trip, and the distance to be covered. In some cases, organizations cover everything from transportation costs to accommodation and daily allowances for meals and other similar things. 

In addition to this, employers are often required to show their receipts and expense reports which are then reviewed and approved by the employer accordingly. 

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Types of Allowances

Here is a list of the different types of allowances that employees generally receive from companies. 

Types of allowanceDescription 
Dearness AllowanceIt is given to employees in addition to the basic salary to manage inflation.
Medical AllowanceIt covers the medical expenses incurred by the employee. 
Overtime AllowanceIt is granted to employees to work beyond their general shift. 
Meals AllowanceIt is granted when the employer pays for the employee’s meals.
Transport allowanceIt covers the travel expenses incurred on any business trip by the employee. 
Entertainment AllowanceIt is given to meet the expenses incurred on attending and hospitality in receiving customers.

This was all about the TA full form. If you want to read more such interesting full forms, stay connected with Leverage Edu.

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