47+ Interesting GK Facts in English for Students

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Reading questions about GK facts in English for students with answers can help prepare for various school competitions and entrance exams. It can also help them in debates and group discussions by enhancing their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Moreover, reading interesting GK facts can turn boring lectures into fun learning sessions and stay up-to-date with the major historical events and their significance. In other words, these facts can improve their overall academic performance. GK facts can be of many types such as about the world, animals, science, and politics. In this blog, you will find a comprehensive list of the best GK facts in English for students with answers and downloadable pictures.

10 GK Facts About the World 

1. The Amazon rainforest is responsible for producing about 20% of the world’s oxygen.

2. Sudan, a country in North Africa, has more ancient pyramids than Egypt.

3. Africa is the only continent that spans all four hemispheres (Northern, Southern, Eastern, Western).

Interesting GK Facts in English for Students

4. Approximately 90% of the global population resides in the Northern Hemisphere whereas 10-12% of the population lives in the Southern Hemisphere. 

5. The continents of this world shift at a rate comparable to the growth of fingernails, making the theory of continental drift real. 

Interesting GK Facts in English for Students

6. Facts about Australia state that this nation is wider than the moon.

7. In the Philippines, the island Vulcan Point is located within a lake, which is on an island, within another lake.

8. California has a larger population than the entire country of Canada. 

Interesting GK Facts in English for Students

9. Mount Everest, the tallest mountain on Earth, could easily fit inside the Marianas Trench, the deepest oceanic trench in the Pacific Ocean

10. Russia has a total of eleven time zones, each with its own current time.

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10 GK Facts About World History

1. The Mesopotamian civilisation, emerging around 8000 BC in the Fertile Crescent, is considered the oldest known civilisation. It is well known for its advancements in agriculture and writing.

2. Alexander the Great was reportedly buried alive due to a misunderstanding of his state after he fell ill. This happened because his body did not decay for several days, leading to the belief that he was dead when he was not.

Interesting GK Facts in English for Students

3. The Anglo-Zanzibar War of 1896 is the shortest recorded war in history, lasting only 38 minutes.

4. Napoleon Bonaparte once faced an unexpected challenge. This happened when a hunting expedition turned chaotic as the rabbits released for the hunt attacked him and his men.

5. Here is a fact about the Indian army for all defence enthusiasts. India has not invaded any country in the last ten thousand years, which is a unique aspect of its historical narrative.

Interesting GK Facts in English for Students

6. In 1666, the Great Fire of London destroyed over 13,000 houses. However, it resulted in only six recorded deaths, which was considered miraculous at the time.

7. Yoga, which originated in India, has been practised for over 5,000 years and is deeply rooted in Indian culture.

8. This Russian mystic, Grigori Rasputin, survived multiple assassination attempts, including being poisoned, shot, and eventually drowned.

9. Albert Einstein was offered the presidency of Israel in 1952. However, the great scientist declined the position.

Interesting GK Facts in English for Students

10. In Asia, elephants were historically trained to execute and torture prisoners until the 19th century.

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10 GK Facts About Politics 

1. The United Nations (UN) was established in 1945 and currently has 193 member states. It focuses on promoting international cooperation and maintaining peace.

2. India is the largest democracy in the world, with a population of over 1.4 billion. The country follows a parliamentary system of governance.

3. The European Union (EU) is a political and economic union of 27 European countries. It was established to promote integration and ensure the free movement of people, goods, services, and capital. So if you get an EU visa you can technically travel to all these countries.

4.  Here is something important about the G7 and G20 difference. The Group of Seven (G7) is an intergovernmental organization consisting of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The Group of Twenty (G20) includes these countries plus Argentina, Australia, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, and the European Union.

5. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is a military alliance established in 1949 for mutual defence against aggression. Currently, it comprises 31 member countries.

6. The Commonwealth of Nations is a political association of 56 member states, most of which are former territories of the British Empire, promoting democracy, human rights, and economic development.

7. The International Criminal Court (ICC) was established in 2002. It prosecutes individuals for genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. Moreover, it has 123 countries as state parties.

8. As of now, there are 195 sovereign states in the world, including 193 member states of the UN and 2 observer states (the Holy See and Palestine).

9. Countries like the United Kingdom, Japan, and Sweden operate under a constitutional monarchy, where the monarch’s powers are limited by law or constitution.

10. Major political ideologies include democracy, authoritarianism, socialism, and capitalism, each influencing how governments operate and interact with citizens.

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10 Science GK Facts 

1. An ice cube takes up about 9% more volume than the water used to make it, which is why ice floats.

2. A lightning strike can reach temperatures of approximately 30,000°C (54,000°F), making it hotter than the surface of the sun.

3. Facts about the human brain state that the brain processes about 11 million pieces of information per second. However, we are only consciously aware of around 40 of those.

Interesting GK Facts in English for Students

4. The six elements which account for 99% of the mass of the human body include oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus. 

5. It takes a photon up to 40,000 years to travel from the core of the sun to its surface. However, it only takes about 8 minutes to reach Earth.

6. A fact about ants is that they can carry objects that are 50 times their own body weight. 

Interesting GK Facts in English for Students

7. Scientists have discovered two types of metal snowflakes on the planet Venus. They are named galena and bismuthinite. 

8. The Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the ocean, reaches a depth of approximately 36,200 feet. In other words, it is about the height of 25 Empire State Buildings stacked on top of each other.

9. An interesting fact about the Earth spins at about 1,000 miles per hour at the equator. Similarly, it travels through space at around 67,000 miles per hour.

Interesting GK Facts in English for Students

10. An average-sized cumulus cloud weighs roughly a million pounds. Interestingly, this is equivalent to the weight of 80 elephants.

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10 GK Facts About World Literature and Arts

1. In 2006, Kiran Desai won the Man Booker Prize for her novel called The Inheritance of Loss.

2. The Mahabharata is a major Sanskrit epic. It narrates the tale of the Pandavas and the Kauravas and their battle for the throne.

3. “Wings of Fire” is the autobiography of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, the 11th President of India. It consists of his inspiring journey from humble beginnings to becoming a leading scientist.

4. Geoffrey Chaucer is known as the Father of English Poetry. He was the first poet to be buried in Poet’s Corner of Westminster Abbey.

Interesting GK Facts in English for Students

5. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone was rejected by publishers 12 times before it was finally published. 

6. Agatha Christie is recognized as the best-selling novelist of all time, with her works translated into numerous languages.

7. The famous painting of the Mona Lisa featuring a woman with an enigmatic smile, was created by Leonardo da Vinci. It is currently displayed in the Louvre Museum, in Paris.

Interesting GK Facts in English for Students

8. Michelangelo is known for painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican. It is a true masterpiece of the Renaissance art.

9. William Shakespeare’s iconic play Romeo and Juliet remains one of the most performed plays worldwide.

10. Vincent van Gogh is the artist behind the famous painting Starry Night. It is recognised for its swirling night sky and emotional depth.

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GK Quiz for Students with Questions and Answers

Now that you have read all these GK interesting facts about the world, history, politics, science, and literature, how about you put your knowledge to the test? To see how well you have understood and remembered, here is a fun GK quiz for students with questions and answers. Make sure to attempt all the questions to find the answer key.

1. Which country has more ancient pyramids than Egypt?

a) Africa 
b) Sudan 
c) India

2. Which country is wider than the moon?

a) Australia 
b) India 
c) USA

3. Which of the following options is considered the oldest known civilisation?

a) Indus Valley Civilization
b) Aegean civilizations
c) Mesopotamia Civilization

4. Which of the following greatest scientists of the world was offered the Presidency of Israel? 

a) Isaac Newton
b) Albert Einstein
c) Marie Curie

5. Which country is the largest democracy in the world?

a) USA
b) India 
c) China

6. Which planet in our solar system is known for its metal snowflakes?

a) Neptune 
b) Venus
c) Mars

7. Wings of Fire is the autobiography of which famous Indian personality?

a) Narendra Modi
b) Dr Manmohan Singh
c) Dr Apj Abdul Kalam

8. Who is known as the Father of English Poetry?

a) John Gower
b) William Langland
c) Geoffrey Chaucer

9. Who is the artist behind the famous painting, Starry Night?

a) Vincent van Gogh
b) Leonardo da Vinci
c) Michelangelo

10. Which organisation prosecutes individuals for crimes such as war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide?

a) The Commonwealth of Nations
b) The International Criminal Court
c) The European Union

Answer Key

1. b6. b
2. a7. c
3. c8. c
4. a9. a
5. b10. b

Find GK Quiz for Students with Questions and Answers PDF Here!

Hope you had fun reading these GK facts in English for students with answers. If you want to know more about topics like this, then visit our Interesting Facts and General Knowledge page!

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