19 Scary Facts About Volcano

2 minute read

When we talk about the marvels of Mother Nature, we must list volcanoes. They are one of the most powerful displays of nature’s power and strength. Although volcanic eruptions can be disastrous, they are also essential to ensure the health of our planet. Volcanoes occur when molten rock, also known as magma, explodes from within the Earth and spits out rock, lava, and other materials. Did you know that other planets also have volcanoes? Here are some interesting facts about volcanoes for students.

Amazing Fun Facts About Volcano

1. Volcanoes are openings in the Earth’s surface. 

2. They release large quantities of gas, hot magma, and ash.

3. Ash released by erupting volcanoes may contribute to nutrient-rich soil. 

4. Magma refers to the hot liquid rock inside a volcano. Once it is released through an opening, it is known as lava. 

5. The word volcano comes from the Roman term “vulcan”, meaning god of fire. 

6. Volcanoes can be active, dormant, and extinct. Active volcanoes experience regular activity, dormant means there has been some activity recently, and lastly, extinct volcanoes mean they are unlikely to erupt ever again.

7. The two types of volcano shapes are composite volcanoes, cone-shaped steep slopes, and shield volcanoes, which are wide with gently sloping sides. 

8. Volcanoes are often found at the meeting points of tectonic plates. 

9. Estimates suggest that one in 20 people live in an area with a high risk of volcanic activity.

10. You can find volcanoes on the ocean floor too. 

11. If you use a glass thermometer to measure the temperature of a volcano, it will melt. 

12. Mauna Loa in Hawaii is the world’s largest active volcano. It is 4,169 m tall. 

13. Olympus Mons is the largest volcano in our solar system, found on the planet Mars. 

14. In A.D. 79, Mount Vesuvius, a disastrous volcano, destroyed and buried the Italian town of Pompeii. 

15. In 1883, Krakatau, a volcano in Southeast Asia, made the loudest sound recorded in history. 

16. Some birds bury eggs near volcanoes to keep them warm. 

17. Volcanology is the term used to describe the study of volcanoes and their products. 

18. Volcanoes can cause damage to life, and crops, and may affect weather and climate. 

19. Volcano rocks are classified into four major types, basalt, andesite, dacite, and rhyolite. 

Hope you had fun reading these interesting facts about volcanoes. If you like reading about facts, you can visit our interesting facts page to read more such blogs.

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