Facts About Paris, “The City Of Lights”

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Interesting Facts About Paris

Paris, also known as the City of Lights, is the capital city of France and is situated in the north-central part of the country along the Seine River from the river’s mouth on the English Channel by about 7600 BCE. Read this blog to learn some more interesting facts about Paris

Unknown Facts About Paris

  1. The beautiful capital city of France, Paris, is also known as the ‘City of Lights’.
  2. The Louvre Art Museum in Paris has 38,000 pieces of art within it, making it one of the biggest museums in the world.
  3. The Eiffel Tower is not the most visited monument in Paris; rather, it is the Cathedral Notre Dame.
  4. Paris has the second busiest underground network in Europe, making it the most popular travel underground train system for travelers in Paris.
  5. The famous Bloody Mary cocktail was established in Paris at the Ritz hotel.

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Beautiful Facts About Paris

  1. The beautiful city of Paris is divided into 20 districts that are identified by their numbers.
  2. The Catacombs is an underground city in Paris; however, only a small part is legally accessible.
  3. The city is home to roughly 450 parks and gardens.
  4. The two sides of the city are connected by roughly 37 bridges.
  5. The city of Paris has around 6,100 streets.

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Did You Know?

  1. Clicking a picture of the Eiffel Tower at Night and using it commercially is illegal.
  2.  The Eiffel Tower has 1,665 stairs leading up to the top.
  3. The number of dogs in the city of Paris is greater than the number of children.
  4. Paris has one of the world’s most expensive football clubs.
  5. In Paris, women were not allowed to wear pants until 2012.


Why is Paris called the City of Lights?

Paris earned this nickname due to its role as a center of enlightenment during the Age of Enlightenment, and later due to its early adoption of street lighting.

Which is the most visited monument in Paris?  

The Cathedral Notre Dame, known for its Gothic architecture and historical significance, attracts more visitors than the Eiffel Tower annually.

What is unique about Paris’ Catacombs?

Paris’ Catacombs form an underground ossuary holding the remains of millions, accessible for a small section, while the rest remains off-limits to the public.

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