35+ Facts about Nature & Environment You Should Know

4 minute read

Facts about Nature: Nature is full of incredible wonders from vast oceans and majestic mountains to the smallest insects and towering trees. Nature never stops to amaze us whether it is the unique behaviour of animals or the way plant grows. Both plants and animals are important parts of nature don’t you think it is an amazing fact about animals and plants?  It is a source of fascinating ecosystems, species and phenomena that work together. There are many things to get to know about nature and to know it better read the interesting and informative facts about Nature in this article.

Facts about Nature for Kids

Nature is all around us! It’s the green grass, the blue sky, the colourful flowers, and the tall trees. It’s the buzzing bees, the chirping birds, and the splashing fish. Read the facts below to know nature well – 

Facts about Nature
  1. Nature includes everything around us that is not made by people, like trees, rivers, and animals.
  2. Through underground networks, trees can share nutrients and information.
  3. 750,000 gallons of water is processed by the Niagara Falls.
  4.  Than our terrestrial oceans, we have explored space more.
  5. Our sea levels will rise by 66 meters If the entire world’s Ice melts.
  6. 12,400 feet is the average depth of our oceans.
  7. A polar bear’s fur is actually transparent; it appears white because it reflects light.
  8. Plastic isn’t bio-grade.
  9. Compared to any land mammal, Elephants have the longest pregnancy.
  10. The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on Earth. 
  11. Horses can sleep while standing, unlike humans. 

Facts about Nature and Environment

Our planet, Earth, is full of different places, each with its own special plants and animals. There are many amazing things to see, from the tall mountains to the big oceans.  Let’s know nature and the environment through the facts, mentioned below – 

Facts about Nature
  1. Of the available water in nature, humans use only 1%.
  2. 78% of marine animals are at risk.
  3. Every year Americans throw away 25 trillion Styrofoam cups.
  4. In the Environment, fungi play a vital role.
  5. The combined weight of humans on the Earth is less than the combined weight of ants on the Earth.
  6. 4,000 million years can be taken by a glass bottle to decompose.
  7. Recycling a glass bottle can save energy by allowing a bulb to light for four hours.
  8. The world’s oldest tree Bristlecone is 4,600 years old.
  9. Only 3% of the water on Earth is drinkable.

Also Read – You Won’t BeLeaf These 15 Facts About Trees!

Facts about Nature Conservation

Our planet, Earth, is a breathtaking masterpiece, teeming with life and beauty. From the towering rainforests to the vast oceans, protecting it is our duty. Know about nature conservation through the facts listed below  –

Facts about Nature
  1. World Nature Conservation Day is celebrated every year on July 28. 
  2. Conserving nature helps keep our air clean, provides us with food, and ensures that animals have homes.
  3. Reducing plastic use and recycling helps keep our oceans and land clean.
  4. Protecting all species of plants and animals on Earth is essential because they all play a role in keeping ecosystems healthy.
  5. Many animals are endangered, meaning they could disappear forever if we don’t protect their habitats. For example polar bears.
  6. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a giant floating patch of garbage in the Pacific Ocean.
  7. Half of all living corals have died since the 1950s.
  8. Recycling helps to keep our planet Earth clean and saves energy.
  9. All the animals and plants of a particular ecosystem depend on each other.

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Facts about Nature and Wildlife

From the depths of the ocean to the peaks of the highest mountains, our planet is a breathtaking masterpiece of life. Let’s know the mysteries of nature and discover the incredible creatures that inhabit our world through the facts below –

Facts about Nature
  1. A hummingbird’s heart beats so fast, it can sound like a tiny sewing machine.
  2.  Without moving a sloth can hold onto a branch for up to eight hours.
  3. A giraffe’s tongue is about the same length as its neck.
  4. Soil plays a role in regulating the Earth’s climate.
  5. A chameleon can change colour to match its surroundings.
  6. There are many different types of soil, such as sandy, clay, and loam.
  7. Plants produce oxygen through photosynthesis, which is essential for human and animal respiration.
  8.  Wind is a renewable energy source.
  9. The sky is where the weather occurs.

Nature Quiz Questions with Answers

Question 1: What is the largest land animal on Earth?

C.Blue Whale

Question 2: Which gas do plants produce during photosynthesis?

A.Carbon dioxide
D. Hydrogen

Question 3: What is the largest ocean on Earth?

A.Atlantic Ocean
B.Pacific Ocean
C. Indian Ocean
D. Arctic Ocean

Question 4: Which biome is characterised by its cold temperatures and permafrost?

A.. Desert
B. Tundra
C. Rainforest
D. Grassland

Question 5: What is the process by which water changes from a liquid to a gas?

A. Condensation
B. Evaporation
C. Precipitation
D. Sublimation
1. A. Elephant
2. B. Oxygen
3. B. Pacific Ocean
4. B. Tundra
5. B. Evaporation


What are 5 interesting facts about nature?

5 interesting facts about nature are Wind is a renewable energy source, The sky is where the weather occurs, Each day around 27,000 trees are cut down, Of the available water in nature, humans use only 1%, 78% of marine animals are at risk.

What are nature’s 5 points?

Nature is all around us, Nature is important, and we should protect nature, Nature is beautiful, and plants are the food for animals and humans. 

What are the 5 things nature gives us?

5 things nature gives us are food, water, air, shelter and beautiful landscapes.

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Hope you enjoyed reading facts about nature. For more information about such informative articles, check the interesting fact page of Leverage Edu.

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