10 Drool-Worthy Facts About Mangoes for the Perfect Summer

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Facts About Mango

Summers and mangoes in India are the favourite season and fruit for many of us. You may or may not like mangoes but we are sure you must have blessed your taste buds with mango shakes at least once. In this article, we will discuss drooling facts about mangoes that you should know for this season. 

Facts About Mango

Mangoes are one of the most popular fruits in the whole world. This is what makes mangoes more loved by people. 

Here are some of the Facts about Mangoes that you need to know this summer! 

  1. There are hundreds of varieties, with diverse flavours like sweet, citrusy, spicy, and pineapple-like. However, you might have not seen the citrusy flavours of mangoes but they exist. 
  1. The origin of the name ‘mango’ was from the Tamil word “mankay” or the Keralan word “mangga.”
  1. Mangoes global production is over 43 million tonnes and mostly the variety is Tommy Atkins.
  1. India is the biggest producer of mangoes in the world with over 18,00,00,00,000 kgs of production. 
Mango is the National Fruit of India, Pakistan and the Philippines.
  1. Did you know the first production of mangoes was over 5,000 years ago in Southern India, Andaman Islands and Myanmar? 
  1. The oldest mango tree is over 300 years old, located in Central India and still bears fruit. Can you believe this fact about a mango tree?
  1. America was introduced to mangoes in the early 20th century by agricultural explorer David Fairchild. 
  1. Here is an amazing fact about mangoes. The world’s heaviest mango was 3.435 kg and was grown in the Philippines. 

Also Read: Top 10 Facts About Fruits For a Healthy Lifestyle

  1. Mangoes have relatives. Yes! That’s right! Cashews and pistachios are their relatives because all are drupes. 
  1. Mangoes are sacred trees in Buddhism. This is because Buddha meditated under a mango tree.

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These are all the Facts about Mango. Hope you had a good time learning about these interesting facts. If you want to know more about topics like this, then visit our general knowledge page! Alternatively, you can also read our blog on general knowledge for competitive exams

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