21 Interesting Facts About Elephants for Kids in English

3 minute read
Interesting Facts About Elephant

You must have visited a zoo with your parents and friends and saw giant elephants roaming in herds. Elephants are fascinating creatures, known for their huge ivory tusks, large bodies, and trunks which help pick up objects and eat. Moreover, these gentle giants also hold spiritual significance in many cultures and countries. For instance, they are seen as symbols of luck, prosperity, and strength. In this blog, you will learn more interesting facts about elephants in English.  

Amazing Fun Facts About Elephants

1. Elephants are the world’s largest land animal. 

2. Male African elephants can reach 3m tall and weigh up to 4,000 – 7,500 kg. 

3. A baby elephant calf can weigh up to 120 kg at birth. 

4. A baby elephant can stand within 20 minutes of birth. 

5. There are three species of elephants, the African Savanna, African Forest, and Asian. 

6. Elephants have about 1,50,000 muscles in their trunk. 

7. Trunks are probably the most sensitive organ found in mammals. 

8. Elephant trunks can contain up to 8 litres of water. 

9. The tusks of an elephant are their enlarged incisor teeth. 

10. The skin of an elephant is about 2.5cm thick in most places. 

11. Elephants need about 150 kg of food every day. 

12. These fascinating creatures communicate through different sounds like trumpet calls and vibrations in the ground, touch, and scent. 

13. Elephant tusks never stop growing. 

14. Elephants create about one tonne of poo per week. Since their food is not fully digested, it makes the soil fertile and helps disperse seeds. 

15. After taking a bath, elephants smear their bodies with sand and mud to protect their thick skin from sunburn. 

16. Elephants are the only mammal that can’t jump. 

17. Elephants can swim easily and use their trunks as snorkels. 

18. The pregnancy of female elephants can be around 22 months. 

19. Baby elephants stay with their mothers for about 10 years. 

20. The hers of Asian and African elephants are often led by a matriarch who is also the oldest member of the society. 

21. Habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation are some primary threats to elephants. 

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What are 5 interesting facts about elephants?

5 interesting facts about elephants are that they are the largest land animal, they are the only mammal who can’t jump, there are three species of elephants, the pregnancy of female elephants can last up to 22 months, and lastly, they use their trunks as snorkels.

What is special about an elephant?

One special thing about elephants is that they are the largest living land animal with an enormous brain size. 

What are 5 interesting facts about baby elephants?

5 interesting facts about baby elephants are that they weigh about 200 pounds at birth, their pregnancy period can be around 22 months, a baby elephant is called a calf, baby elephants are covered with hair, and lastly, elephants are very sensitive. 

Hope you had fun reading these interesting facts about elephants. If you like reading about facts, you can visit our interesting facts page to read more such blogs.

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