
TOEFL Writing Topics: All households should be required to conserve by using 30% less water each month.

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All households should be required to conserve by using 30% less water each month. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Q- Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All households should be required to conserve by using 30% less water each month. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Do not use memorized examples.

Ans: In this day and age, when humanity faces an impending threat of water scarcity around the world, I am convinced that each household should begin water conservation. Families should begin water conservation by using 30% less water each month. 


Water, one of the most important life-sustaining resources in the world, is becoming increasingly scarce as a result of human transgressions. If we do not save water today, the day will come when all of humanity will suffer the repercussions. There will be no drinking or using water. Water scarcity will affect more than just humans. Plants and animals will be the first to be at the receiving end of the impending disaster. Humans have abused this valuable resource since the dawn of industrialization, and with global warming at its peak and temperatures rising around the world, the imminent need for water conservation is more pressing than ever. 

That being said, I believe it is general information that just 3% of the water available on Earth is suitable for human use; nonetheless, we are at fault for recklessly depleting such a vital resource. Apart from the daily use of water, we have polluted our water resources in every way possible, to the point where they cannot be used for basic usage. Not only that, but we have pushed countless aquatic species to the verge of extinction due to our own greed and fixation with power.  Floods have also become increasingly common as a result of a lack of rainwater storage facilities. Therefore, it is clear that humanity is to be blamed for interrupting and disturbing the natural cycle, resulting in global-level water scarcity. The lines above, you see, clearly insinuate that water shortage in this day and age is a byproduct of human avarice and callousness. 

In essence, I feel it is past time for mankind to band together to begin water conservation in order to preserve the earth from the day when there will be no water for us to use.  Even if we only take one step per day to save water, I feel it will be beneficial to the planet. For once, we should consider not only ourselves but also the rest of the globe. 

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