
TOEFL Daily Speaking Topic: While choosing your roommate abroad, what quality will you look for the most: quietness, cleanliness, and friendliness?

2 minute read
TOEFL Daily Speaking Topic: While choosing your roommate abroad, what quality will you look for the most: quietness, cleanliness, and friendliness?

Brainstorming Ideas

Have a look at the following brainstorming ideas.

  1. I would choose the quality of friendliness as living abroad is a very challenging experience especially when it comes to adapting to new cultures.
  2. It will provide me companionship, making everything a little less lonely.
  3.  A friendly roommate will help me in creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere, making my stay abroad more enjoyable. 
  4. When I moved to Japan, my roommate’s friendly demeanour helped me navigate cultural differences and feel more at home in a new environment.

Ans: In my opinion, when it comes to finding a roommate abroad, the most important factor is their friendliness. Firstly, a clean and quiet space is important, but what truly enhances my experience is having someone who’s warm and welcoming. Secondly, living in a foreign land can be daunting, and a friendly roommate can ease the transition by providing companionship and support. For instance, when I moved to Japan, my roommate’s friendly demeanour helped me navigate cultural differences and feel more at home in a new environment. Therefore, I will always prioritize seeking out a friendly roommate for my overseas adventures.

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