
7 Tips For Fitness While Studying Abroad

6 minute read

Fitness is a lifestyle among both young and old generations, who work every day for the improvement of their physical health. Students who are planning to study abroad or are already there, often neglect their physical fitness and health and get indulged in unhealthy activities.


There are different aspects of being a healthy person and sometimes it’s a little complicated. For fitness, one must focus on physical, mental and emotional elements for a healthy lifestyle and growth. In this article, we are going to suggest you 7 tips for fitness while studying abroad. Here are 7 easy tips for fitness while studying abroad, that students must follow.

Set Realistic Goals

Students who are curious about maintaining a healthy lifestyle must start with small and achievable goals. When these goals are achieved, then you can gradually increase your fitness level. The moment you start achieving your fitness goals, you will feel confident about yourself and this will help you to stay motivated. 

More often than not realistic goals are achievable depending on your abilities, physical condition and resources available to you. An important thing to remember while setting realistic goals is that one must consider his/ her strengths and limitations and external factors that may affect your ability to achieve the goals you’ve set for yourself. Those who set realistic goals don’t mean that they are weak or they want to set for mediocrity. A simple meaning for this can be setting realistic goals that are challenging but achievable, and a good way to start your journey for fitness.

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Follow A Workout Plan

Following a disciplined workout plan will help you in building a good physique and healthy lifestyle. For students who are studying abroad, here is a workout plan which will surely help you with your fitness goals:

  • Start by warming up your body and stretching out those muscles for better movement.
  • You can begin with easy exercises like jogging or cycling for 10-15 minutes.
  • To increase your heart rate, try running a little faster than your average pace.
  • Focus on strength training to build major muscle groups at least 2 to 3 times per week.
  • For building strength, you must do squats, lunges, bench presses, deadlifts and rows with 10-12 repetitions each.
  • Try to change your workout plan every 3 to 4 weeks for better results.
  • Try to add cardiovascular and flexibility exercises to your workouts.
  • You can go swimming, aerobics, cycling, running or any other activities.
  • Your post-workout rest will be a major part of your workout plan as this will help you with your recovery.

Students who are in their early-20s should gradually increase their workout intensity to achieve new levels of fitness. If you are feeling unnecessary muscle fatigue, do consult a doctor or a physician to prevent any serious injury. Those who have any pre-existing health issues or conditions must not push themselves beyond their limits.

Also Read – Top 8 Physical Exercises to Do at Home While Studying Abroad

Workout With A Partner

Working out with a partner or buddy can be a really fun and motivating way to maintain physical health and fitness. While studying abroad, you will have a great opportunity to make friends. You can ask any of your friends to work out together to lead a healthy lifestyle. Here are some workout ideas that you must try out with your partner:

  • Partner-assisted stretching for warm-up.
  • Try cardio in alternate turns.
  • Begin your workout with bodyweight exercises like push-ups, squats, lunges, and sit-ups with your partner.
  • In exercises like sit-ups or plank hold, you can count repetitions and the timing of your partner vis-a-versa.
  • Add resistance exercises with bands and a medicine ball to push a little harder than your body weight. 
  • Resistance bands can be used for exercises like bicep curls, lateral raises and tricep extensions for muscle building and mobility.

Make sure you regularly communicate with your workout partner about your fitness goals and other things to create interesting conversations and ideas.

Keep Your Body Hydrated

The human body contains 60% of water. Keeping your body hydrated is a very important aspect of maintaining good health and overall well-being. It is scientifically proven that water helps in regulating the body temperature, transports nutrients, lubrication of joints, and removes waste and toxins from the body.

An average adult human being weighing 55-60kg must consume 3-4 litres of water every day to keep their body hydrated. Your water consumption can vary depending on factors such as your age, body weight, physical activity you do, climatic conditions where you live, etc. 

Also, staying hydrated doesn’t mean that you have to drink water every 10-20 minutes. You must listen to your body and drink water when you feel thirsty. Those who are engaged in any physical activity must increase their water intake to stay hydrated properly. There are some other fluids which you can use as a substitute for water like coconut water, fresh fruit juices, tea, etc.

Get Enough Rest

After working for long hours at the office or college, we often feel tired and exhausted. Therefore it is very important to recover our physical and mental health to get back in the game. For this, you must provide your body with enough rest. In this way, you will be able to maintain good cognitive function, emotional stability and overall health. You can follow the below-mentioned tips to get enough rest when you are studying abroad:

  • Develop a regular sleeping schedule. As they say, ‘early to bed, early to rise’.
  • Your bedtime routine should be relaxing. For example, try to take a warm bath, read a novel or listen to classical music before bed.
  • Your bedroom should be a dark, cool and quiet environment.
  • Do not consume any substances like alcohol or caffeine or nicotine before bed, as this will disturb your rest.
  • Keep your cell phone, TV and laptop off, as the blue light from these devices affects your sleeping cycle.

Indulge in Outdoor Activities

While you are studying abroad, you will have great opportunities to indulge in outdoor activities. Outdoor activities are leisure activities which include natural or semi-natural environments, including parks, beaches, mountains, forests, lakes, etc. At places like these, you can practice physical activities like biking, swimming, hiking, bird watching, picnicking or stargazing.

Here is a list of some very popular outdoor activities which you can practice while studying abroad:

  • Riding bikes on designated trails, roads or paths.
  • Camping in a natural environment like a forest, beach or mountains.
  • You can go swimming in natural bodies like rivers, oceans, or lakes.
  • If you are at a hill station, you must try activities like rock climbing, skiing, or hot air ballooning.
  • You can try Kayaking or Canoeing, which involves paddling a small boat on a water body.

Count Your Calories

Reducing calorie intake is an essential step toward your fitness goals and overall physical health. When studying abroad, you will have to eat what’s available there, if you don’t know how to cook and lack the necessary appliances. Those who want to maintain a healthy lifestyle and fitness must remember that their calorie intake will be a game changer. Here are some tips for students who want to cut their calories:

  • Keep a record of your calorie intake or you can simply use a calorie tracking application to keep track of your calorie intake.
  • Keeping track of your calorie intake will work as a reminder and you can alert yourself when your calorie intake is more than what you desire to be.
  • Consume foods which have nutritional value and are low in calories, such as citrus fruits, lean proteins, green vegetables and whole grains.
  • Try to reduce portion sizes and eat smaller portions without giving up your favourite foods.
  • You can use smaller bowls, cups and plates to help control portion sizes.
  • Reduce your sugar intake or dishes which have high sugar as these are unnecessary calories which will increase your body weight.
  • Balance your proteins, fats and carbohydrates intake in a ratio of 1:1:2.

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