
Study Abroad: Tips & Strategies for Ensuring Safety at University

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Study Abroad: Tips & Strategies for Ensuring Safety at University

As students embark on the exciting journey of studying abroad, safety becomes a paramount concern. Adapting to a new environment, often far from home, can be both exhilarating and challenging. To help students make the most of their overseas experience while staying secure, we’ve compiled a comprehensive guide featuring essential tips, apps, and tools.


Tips & Strategies for Being Safe While Studying Abroad

However, safety should always be a top priority. By staying informed, using technology wisely, and practising good safety habits, students can make the most of their time abroad while ensuring a secure and memorable experience. 

Knowledge is Key

Before even setting foot on campus, research your university’s location. Familiarize yourself with the local laws, customs, and potential safety concerns. Understand the emergency services available in your host country and how to contact them.

Buddy System

Always let someone know your whereabouts. Share your class schedules and plans with a trusted friend or family member. Many universities also offer safety programs and apps that allow you to check in with friends or campus security.

Travel Smart

When exploring your new city, travel in groups, especially at night. Use well-lit routes and trusted transportation services. Avoid displaying expensive items like jewellery or electronics in public.

Secure Your Accommodation

Ensure your housing is secure. Invest in quality locks for your doors and windows. If possible, choose accommodations in safe neighbourhoods.


Protect your digital life. Use strong, unique passwords for your accounts, and consider using a virtual private network (VPN) for secure internet browsing, especially on public Wi-Fi networks.

Stay Informed

Sign up for local alerts and updates regarding safety and security in your host city or country. Many government websites offer this service to keep residents and visitors informed about any potential risks or emergencies.

Health and Well-being

Take care of your physical and mental health. Familiarize yourself with the nearest medical facilities and mental health services on or near campus.

Bike Safety

If you plan to use a bike for transportation, invest in a high-quality bike lock. Secure your bike in designated areas, and be sure to register it with campus or local authorities if required.

Alcohol Awareness

Drink responsibly and in moderation. Excessive alcohol consumption can impair judgment and make you vulnerable. Always have a plan for a safe way to get home if you’ve been drinking.

Cultural Sensitivity

Respect local customs and traditions. Being culturally aware can help you avoid unintentionally offending others and enhance your overall safety.

Study Abroad: Tips & Strategies for Ensuring Safety at University

Emergency Contacts

Emergency Apps

Download safety apps designed for students. Apps like “SafeTrek” and “bSafe” allow you to send an alert to designated contacts if you feel unsafe or are in an emergency situation.

Local Emergency Numbers

In addition to the universal emergency number (like 911 in the United States), know the local emergency numbers in your host country. Keep them saved in your phone for quick access.

In summary, studying abroad is an incredible opportunity for personal growth and academic enrichment. 

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