
Study Abroad: These Living and Studying Tips That Every International Student Must Know

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Study Abroad: Living and Studying Tips That Every Student Must Know

Studying abroad not only makes you educated but it makes you skilled. International students who are pursuing their studies can also do an internship/apprenticeship. International students who are living and studying in the particular country are aware of the accommodation and courses/programs. So, here are some useful tips regarding studying and living abroad.


Tips Regarding Studying and Living Abroad

Tips Regarding Studying and Living Abroad are listed below-

Apply For A Passport And Visa

First thing while planning to study abroad is a passport and visa. These two things are very essential for international students to study abroad. If any international student already has a passport then they must have blank pages on their passport, if they already have traveled abroad before. In case, any student is traveling for the first time, he/she can apply straight for it. Please make sure you also start on time as the process is likely to take some time. It will take approx 6 to 12 months to get an US passport. There are some important documents that will need while processing it and here is the list for that-

  • Birth certificate
  • 2 latest passport-sized photos
  • Certified identification (ex- driver’s license)
  • Passport application
  • Payment
  • A Payment form

Start Planning For The Desired Country

After getting a passport (if for the first time) and the visa for the desired country, the next step is to start preparing for the journey. Now, make sure you have all the documents handy. These documents include-

  • Letter of Reference (LOR)
  • Transcripts of high school
  • High school exam results of final
  • Passport
  • Student visa
  • Tuition and funding proof 
  • Contract of accommodation
  • English language test results
  • Contents and travel insurance
  • Health insurance or registration forms for the country’s universal healthcare system

Research About The Demographics

It is necessary to know about the new environment. Get to know about the culture over there.  Familiar with their culture, language, food, history, geography, economy etc. This is ultra necessary if you’re planning to reside permanently. Moreover, you can also join communities, webinars, conferences. On the other hand, get to know their language because it’s important to know the language. 

Arrange The Finance

Arranging finances is the main thing to study abroad. Afterall, money is important to study. From studying to accommodation everything requires money. If planning to live abroad, one should set up an online bank account. This is the easiest and most important way to control your money when you are abroad. However, make sure that the credit card you’re carrying has zero international transaction fees. It is advised that you should also take extra cash. You can convert the money to the money used in the host countries.

Community Finding

If an international student wants to settle in his chosen country., he/she needs to get familiar with the community. Finding a community and making friends is a must to adjust to the system. Moreover, you have to make sure that you stick to the rules in your chosen country.

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