
Study Abroad: The ‘Oscars of Higher Education Awards’ for Best Business & Entrepreneurial Unis

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Study Abroad: The ‘Oscars of Higher Education Awards’ for Best Business & Entrepreneurial Unis

Times Higher Education also releases an award list of institutions in the UK for their best performances in various fields. These awards are so prestigious that they are called the Oscars of Higher Education. 

Numerous UK universities and institutions participate in the THE Awards every year. Besides, business and entrepreneurship are among the two core choices of students going abroad that the students want to know about. 

Therefore, it is imperative to talk about the Business School of the Year Award and Outstanding Entrepreneurial University Award released by THE. Though all Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) from UK and Ireland are allowed to participate it is only the best that wins. 

The organisation has already released the list of shortlisted universities for the year 2024 which is shared below. Furthermore, the official awarding of winners will take place on the 7th of December 2023.

Study Abroad: The ‘Oscars of Higher Education Awards’ for Best Business & Entrepreneurial Unis

THE Business School of the Year Awards 2024

There is no doubt that the UK has some of the world’s best business schools. Moreover, here is a list of those shortlisted for their outstanding performance in the field of business. However, it should be noted that these awards and their awarding criteria are separate from the THE WUR Rankings and THE Rankings for best business schools.  

Aston Business School 

Project Submitted: Centre for Growth.

University of Huddersfield

Project Submitted: Creating Opportunities in Our Local Communities.

King’s Business School, King’s College London

Project Submitted: Responsible and sustainable business. 

Lancaster University Management School

Project Submitted. Entrepreneurs in Residence (EiR) Programme.

Manchester Metropolitan University Business School

Project Submitted: Place-based impact on UK high streets and SMEs.

Oxford Brookes Business School

Project Submitted: Brookes Means Business

Study Abroad: The ‘Oscars of Higher Education Awards’ for Best Business & Entrepreneurial Unis

THE Outstanding Entrepreneurial University Awards 2024

The shortlisted institutions have submitted their projects.

Brunel University London

Brunel University: Fostering an Inclusive Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

University of Edinburgh

The University of Edinburgh Entrepreneurial Ecosystem.

Kingston University

Advances in enterprise education

London South Bank University

Enterprising Futures: Driving social impact through entrepreneurship

Royal Northern College of Music (RNCM)

Mobilising risk-takers, innovators and change-makers for careers in the global music industry

Swansea University

Entrepreneurship and Innovation is at the heart of Swansea University

This was the list of shortlisted institutions, for the final lists. Furthermore, if you want to know the shortlisted universities in other categories, stay tuned to our news portal. If you want to read more such information on study abroad, make sure you follow Leverage Edu News Updates. 

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