
Study Abroad: Scotiabank’s Generous $1.4 Million Investment will Support Indigenous and International Students

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Scotiabank's Generous $1.4 Million Investment will Support Indigenous and International Students
Scotiabank’s Generous $1.4 Million Investment will Support Indigenous and International Students
This community investment in the Campaign for Concordia will advance programs initiated by the Office of Indigenous Directions and Career Management Services, John Molson School of Business.

Scotiabank has invested $1.4 million (INR 11,50,99,616) in the Campaign for Concordia: Next Gen. This investment will support Indigenous and international students. They will succeed through Career Roadmap for Internation Student Excellence(C-RISE) and Kaié:ri Nikawerà:ke Indigenous Bridging Program. 

Kaié:ri Nikawerà:ke means “the four winds” or “the four directions”. Thus, it is open to First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people who don’t meet the standard admission requirements to enter post-secondary education. C-RISE offers resources through Career Management Services at John Molson School of Business. It was established as a platform for international students to make successful careers in Canada after graduation.

Campaign for Concordia: Next-Gen

The Indigenous Bridging Program will soon admit students who wish to complete their Bachelor of Engineering degree. Some new bridges that support other STEM programs will follow soon. The Office of Indigenous Directions supported by Concordia’s Student Success Centre and Otsenhákta Student Centre will develop the program. This is because STEM subjects are the most important ones right now. This is a result of the requirement of supporting all the technical and technological developments of the globe.

The President and Vice-Chancellor of Concordia University Graham Car say, “The diversity of our student population and our commitment to accessible, inclusive education are pivotal to making Concordia an innovative, next-gen university”.“This generous gift from Scotiabank speaks to those values by allowing us to create two exciting new pathways to success for our students.”

“The Kaié:ri Nikawerà:ke bridging program is perfectly aligned with the goals of our Indigenous Directions Action Plan to make university education responsive to the potential of Indigenous students.” Graham Car says. “Similarly, C-RISE is also designed to support the distinctive needs of international students.”

Scotiabank’s Regional Vice-President, Maria Mangiocavallo says “Helping youth access the support needed to fully participate in post-secondary education.” “Aligned with our ScotiaRISE initiative, we are proud to partner with Concordia University to help overcome barriers to graduation and provide critical support for students.”

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