
Study Abroad: Australia Examines its Student Visa Policy in order to Curb Abuse and Draw in Skilled Immigrants

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Study Abroad: Australia Examines its Student Visa Policy in order to Curb Abuse and Draw in Skilled Immigrants
The exploitation of people with temporary visas, notably foreign students, is a major issue in Australia, according to the Migration Review study

By tightening the requirements for admission, the Australian government is addressing the misuse of international student visas. The action intend to stop people from using student visas as a means of attaining permanent residency.


The government should review its laws and processes related to student visas. Particularly the cap on working hours and the alignment of English-language requirements. According to the Migration Review’s final report, which was published last month.

International students highlighted as a key source of money for Australia’s education industry. Also, contributing up to $8 billion to the sector of vocational education and $26 billion to the university sector in 2019–20. According to the Review of the Migration System study.

Study Abroad: Australia Examines its Student Visa Policy in order to Curb Abuse and Draw in Skilled Immigrants

Despite this, the research contends that Australia must do more to draw in the brightest foreign students. It was because the current student visa system has not been a reliable source of skilled migrants. The paper emphasizes that the student visa programme needs to be adjusted in order to fully realize its potential. Also, that the migration system has significantly boosted the education export sector.

The exploitation of people with temporary visas, notably foreign students, is a major issue in Australia, according to the Migration Review study. The research made the point that students have less opportunities to demonstrate their potential in the Australian labor market. Due to the current arrangements for student and temporary graduate visas.

International students consequently frequently struggle to transfer into the workforce after completing their education and wind up working in positions that are below their skill level.

Extending the term of graduate work rights may not be adequate to address the underlying issue causing the difficulties faced by international students in transitioning to the labor market. According to the Review of the Migration System report. The survey also showed that Australia was losing a lot of high-potential former students by failing to recognise them, which was causing many of them to become “permanently temporary.”

Working Hours Restrictions

The working hours restriction on student visas designed to ensure that students concentrate on their studies rather than low-paying jobs. As per the demonstration it leaves students vulnerable who want to work more hours but worry about their employer reporting them to the Department of Home Affairs.

To help guarantee that graduates have a better chance of success in the Australian labor market. The Review of the Migration System panel has proposed a review of the working hours cap. Also, an increase in the English language requirements connected with the student or graduate visa.

Visa Policy for Students

According to the survey, many students begin their studies with a low level of English proficiency, which might be remedied by increasing the standard of English competence demanded by these visas. In addition, the report expressed alarm over the widespread abuse of other temporary visa holders, such as international students, and said that Australia was allowing too many ex-students to acquire “permanent temporary” status by failing to recognise those with the best chance of success.

More assistance is required for overseas students transitioning to the workforce and obtaining access to legal remedies for unfair pay and working conditions in the Australian labor market, according to the review of the migration system. The report recommends collaborating with educational institutions to support students and granting a Temporary Graduate visa without delay after a student’s studies finish.

The assessment also suggests matching the Temporary Graduate visa’s term to the time needed. To find highly qualified graduates who will succeed on a permanent skilled visa. In order to avoid confusion, the review also advises substituting a new Genuine Student test. This was for the Genuine Temporary Entrant criterion.

The government is working to put the improvements recommended in the most recent migration report. This aimed at raising the caliber of foreign students coming to Australia, according to Minister of Home Affairs Clare O’Neil.

O’Neil highlighted after the report’s release that the revisions are not intended to reduce the number of international students. But rather to make sure that they have the skills necessary to handle the difficulties facing the nation. She also admitted that raising standards would affect. How many overseas students enroll, albeit that was not the project’s primary goal.

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