
Study Abroad: According to the Study 91% of Parents are Satisfied with their Wards Moving Abroad

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Study Abroad: According to the Study 91% of Parents are Satisfied with their Wards Moving Abroad

The Punjab Agricultural University has conducted recent research in which it was found that around 95% of the immigrants from Punjab are satisfied with their decision to move abroad. Similarly, around 91% of the immigrants are satisfied with their decision to send their wards abroad instead of living in Punjab. 


According to a study that analyzed the trends of migration in Punjab from September 2022, it was found that among all the communities, the population of Jat Sikhs was the highest at about 51.88%.

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Study Abroad: According to the Study 91% of Parents are Satisfied with their Wards Moving Abroad

As per the study “Overseas Migration from Rural Punjab” was conducted by Professor Shalini Sharma along with some other professors from the Department of Economics and Sociology. For this study about 640 migrants and 660 non-migrant households were interviewed for the study. 

The study found that about 19% of the respondents were satisfied with their decision regarding good governance and social security in international countries, about 37% were satisfied because of better employment opportunities and around 24% were satisfied due to their standard of living and social status. 

However, it was found that most of the respondents were from the Doab region of the Punjab as compared to 97% and 82% in case of Malwa and Majha regions respectively. On the other hand, about 80% of the parents expressed satisfaction with their child’s decision to move abroad from the Doab region and 92.52% from the Majha region.

The main reason behind this expressed satisfaction was that the parents were relieved by the fact that their children would stay away from drug traps and disorder in their native place. 

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