
Study Abroad: 3 Innovative Student Accommodation Options Available in 2023

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Study Abroad: 3 Innovative Student Accommodation Options Available in 2023
Here are 3 innovative student accommodation strategies introduced by universities and governments in 2023 to deal with the housing crises.

Amidst the global crisis of student accommodation, new options for housing for students abroad have emerged. Meanwhile, the lack of student housing options is not taken as a setback by the authorities. Instead, they consider it as a challenge to develop new options by strategising and optimising spaces. 

The number of students’ options for overseas education rose unprecedentedly to over 1.5 million in 2023. Contrarily, the universities and other bodies were not ready for the massive immigration. As a result students who had not pre-booked or got wrong consultations faced many challenges in finding affordable living options

Despite the crunch, the foreign authorities did not fail in the mission. People are starting many projects, constructing new accommodations, and redesigning innovative spaces. All this is to provide student accommodations to house the students. 

Study Abroad: 3 Innovative Student Accommodation Options Available in 2023

Top 5 Innovative Student Accommodation Options in 2023

Repurposed properties, co-living spaces and shared housing became a norm in 2023. Let’s explore some of these innovative housing ideas and the pros and cons associated with them.  

Decommissioned Barges

Decommissioned river barges were thought to be converted into apartments for students. Cal Poly Humboldt the Grant Scott-Goforth Spokesperson has suggested this idea. 

In 2019, someone bought a Russian cargo ship named Kuzma Minin to convert it into a luxurious student accommodation. But in this scenario, it could be a little dangerous to test this experiment without proper preparation. 

Study Abroad: 3 Innovative Student Accommodation Options Available in 2023

Philips Head Office

Recently, the government transformed the former Philips Headquarters in Amsterdam into a student accommodation to deal with the shortage of student accommodation. There will be space for 456 students at the property. 

This office is usable as accommodation for the next 3-5 years till the time new accommodation options are available for the students. They are converting the office floor into student rooms. Moreover, they will shift the students from the academic year 2023-2024. 

Instant Homestays

The government of Western Australia has urged locals to house international students and earn through it. Also, the remuneration fixed by the government is $295 per week for the stay. For this purpose, the authorities launched an AUS$ 50,000 campaign. 

The government has established the campaign in the goodwill of the students, but homeowners who register as homestay providers in such a hassle might skip proper verification. At such a time both students and residents are at risk of implementing such a decision hastily. 

That is why one should think about their accommodation beforehand and consult the right experts to choose the right time and place to book. If you want to read more such exciting information, make sure you follow Leverage Edu News Updates. 

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