
PTE Vocabulary For Speaking: Most Common Words, Useful Tips and Sample Questions 

4 minute read

PTE Speaking Vocabulary: PTE test-takers need to stay up-to-speed on the most frequently used Vocabulary in PTE speaking to come up with clear, comprehensible and impactful spoken responses. This blog offers a comprehensive list of frequently encountered PTE speaking vocabulary you can utilize to boost your score. Read the complete article to learn more about PTE speaking vocabulary. 


Top 10 Vocabulary for PTE Speaking 

PTE Speaking assessments require students to provide well-structured, clear, and understandable replies to assigned themes on the spot. This is why test-takers must have a solid grasp of a diverse set of vocabulary words. That being stated, here are the top ten vocabulary terms for PTE speaking that will help you get higher results. 

Vocabulary Meaning Example 
Aid Help I think he can provide you with aid in this situation. 
Albeit Though It was an amazing computer, albeit expensive.
AnnualYearlyHis annual income is less than 7 lakhs. 
CodeA system of words, letters, or signs used to represent a message in secret form. I am unable to decipher the code embedded in the system. 
Concept Idea, NotionThe product being sold is less clear, and the concept being sold is lost.

Consent To agree to do or allow somethingNo change may be made without the consent of all the partners
Draft To draw the preliminary sketch, version, The draft for my screenplay is ready. 
Dynamic Energetic He has a dynamic personality. 
Capable Competent He is more than capable of carrying out the task. 
Comprise Consist of The section comprises of different tasks. 

How to Improve Your Vocabulary for PTE Speaking? 

A strong vocabulary plays a crucial role in your PTE speaking score. Here are some effective strategies to improve it:

  • Read more.  Explore various genres like news articles, novels, and magazines. Pay attention to unfamiliar vocabulary and understand their context.
  • Actively listen to English podcasts, audiobooks, and movies. Try shadowing – repeating what you hear shortly after, mimicking the pronunciation and intonation.
  •  Participate in English-speaking groups or online forums. This provides opportunities to practice using and learning new vocabulary in real-time conversations.
  • Create flashcards with new words, their definitions, and example sentences. Regularly reviewing these will solidify your understanding and recall.
  • Record new words you encounter, along with their definitions, synonyms, and antonyms. This helps in building connections and expanding your vocabulary network.
  • Learn commonly used word pairings like “tremendous effort” or “significant increase.” This enhances your fluency and natural-sounding speech.
  • Compose short stories, poems, or journal entries. Consciously include new words you’ve learned.
  • Use newly learned vocabulary in your daily conversations whenever possible. This reinforces your understanding and builds confidence in using them.
  • Try translating your thoughts into English throughout the day. This strengthens the association between concepts and their English counterparts.
  • Explore PTE vocabulary lists. Several online resources and textbooks offer curated lists of commonly tested words in the PTE speaking test.
  • Practice PTE speaking questions. Engage in practice tests and answer questions using your expanded vocabulary. This helps you apply your new knowledge in a test-like environment.

Vocabulary for PTE Speaking: Sample Questions and Answers

Given below are some sample questions for you to practice and enhance your vocabulary for PTE speaking. These questions are designed to gauge your hold on PTE speaking vocabulary. Solve them to improve your vocabulary and bolster your chances of securing better scores in PTE speaking. Have a look. 

Q. Word Meaning Matching – Test How Many Words you Know

1. “Accurate”

  1. Precise
  2. Wayward
  3. Loose
  4. Distant 

2. “Adapt” 

  1. Adjust 
  2. Zoilus
  3. Sycophant 
  4. Preserve 

3. “Capable” 

  1. Inept 
  2. Obsequious 
  3. Reticence 
  4. Proficient 

4. “Dynamic” 

  1. Lethargic 
  2. Haggard 
  3. Energetic 
  4. Hackneyed 

5. “Aid” 

  1. Assistance 
  2. Hindrance 
  3. Detrimental 
  4. Hinky


  1. A
  2. A
  3. D
  4. C
  5. A

So that was all about the PTE vocabulary for speaking. Hope the blog has answered your queries regarding the topic. 

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Q1. What are the most commonly used PTE-speaking vocabulary words? 

Ans: Aid, albeit, annual, code, concept, and consent are some of the most commonly used PTE writing vocabulary words. 

Q2.  How to improve vocabulary for PTE speaking?  

Ans: Use newly learned vocabulary in your daily conversations whenever possible. This reinforces your understanding and builds confidence in using them. Try translating your thoughts into English throughout the day. This strengthens the association between concepts and their English counterparts. Such tips can help you improve your vocabulary for PTE speaking. 

Q3. What is the total scoring range of PTE?

Ans: The overall score in the PTE ranges from 10 to 90 and is based on your overall performance in the PTE exam.

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