
PTE Essay Topic: In the last century when a human astronaut first arrived on the Moon he said: “Space exploration is a big step for mankind”.

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In the last century when a human astronaut first arrived on the Moon he said: “Space exploration is a big step for mankind”.

Q- In the last century when a human astronaut first arrived on the Moon he said: “Space exploration is a big step for mankind”. But some people think it makes little difference to our daily life. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Ans- In the last century, when an astronaut first set foot on the Moon, he famously declared, “Space exploration is a big step for mankind.” However, there are those who argue that space exploration holds little relevance to our daily lives. In this essay, I will present arguments against the notion that space exploration makes a significant difference to our everyday routines.


Firstly, it is essential to recognize that the resources allocated to space exploration could be better utilized addressing critical issues here on Earth. While the exploration of space may yield scientific knowledge and technological advancements, these achievements often come at a significant cost. The financial investment required for space missions is substantial and could be directed towards solving problems such as poverty, hunger, and climate change, which directly affect people’s lives on a daily basis.

Moreover, the tangible benefits of space exploration in our daily lives are limited. While technologies developed for space missions, such as satellite technology, have found applications in various fields, the direct impact on individual lives is often minimal. Many of the advancements stemming from space exploration, while impressive, cater to specialized industries and scientific endeavors rather than directly improving the quality of life for the average person.

Additionally, the argument that space exploration inspires future generations to pursue careers in science and technology can be debated. While it is true that some individuals may be inspired by space exploration, the majority of people are not directly influenced in their career choices by the achievements in outer space. There are numerous other factors that shape career decisions, including personal interests, educational opportunities, and economic circumstances. Therefore, the notion that space exploration has a significant impact on career choices and subsequent advancements is overstated.

In conclusion, while space exploration is an awe-inspiring and remarkable endeavor, it is questionable whether it truly makes a substantial difference to our daily lives. The resources and funding allocated to space exploration could be better utilized addressing pressing issues here on Earth. Rather than investing in distant frontiers, we should prioritize efforts that have a more immediate and significant impact on improving the lives of people worldwide.

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