
PTE Daily Essay Topic: Different people get success in different fields. Some people work for longer hours to get success.

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PTE Daily Essay Topic: Different people get success in different fields. Some people work for longer hours to get success.

Q. Different people get success in different fields. Some people work for longer hours to achieve success, but others feel that spend their free time for joy rather than wealth. Which style closely relates to and explains your views?

Ans. The world defines success in a multitude of ways, yet the truth lies in its definition. While some find fulfilment in the relentless pursuit of wealth and tireless work hours, others believe a life rich in joy and leisure is the true measure of success. For me, the path to a fulfilling life prioritizes happiness over material wealth.


The relentless chase for wealth often comes at the cost of personal well-being. Long hours spent at work leave little time for nurturing relationships, pursuing hobbies, or simply experiencing life’s simple pleasures. This constant hustle can breed stress, anxiety, and a sense of isolation. Material possessions, once acquired, often lose their lustre quickly. The fleeting satisfaction gained from a new car or bigger house pales in comparison to the lasting joy found in spending time with loved ones, exploring new passions, or simply enjoying a peaceful moment in nature.

Prioritizing happiness over wealth encourages a more balanced and fulfilling life. Free time allows us to cultivate meaningful relationships, explore creative outlets, and maintain physical and mental health. These experiences create a reservoir of joy and contentment that no amount of money can buy. Furthermore, a focus on happiness fosters a sense of gratitude for what we already have, shifting the perspective from a constant state of wanting to one of appreciating what life offers.

Ultimately, success is not a singular destination, but rather a journey filled with experiences that bring us joy and a sense of purpose. While financial security is important, it should not come at the cost of neglecting our emotional well-being and the time spent with loved ones. By prioritizing happiness, we pave the way for a richer, more fulfilling life experience.

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