
PTE-A Writing: Beware Of These Mistakes And Ensure You Follow These Quick Tips

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PTE-A Writing: Beware Of These Mistakes And Ensure You Follow These Quick Tips

Students who apply for the PTE examination must have somewhere been confused about what mistakes should be avoided while taking the PTE test. Especially as a first-time PTE test taker, it becomes even harder to figure out the right way to comprehend the writing task section of PTE. As a result, we ignore much-needed tips on the PTE scoring pattern and effective ways of PTE preparation, later affecting the chances of scoring well on the test. If you are still searching for advice that works wonders while writing your PTE academic test, then read and make sure to implement the following tips to improve your performance in the PTE writing test. 


4 Mistakes To Beware of in PTE-Writing

The very common mistake that any PTE test taker commits while attempting the writing section of PTE is not following the given instructions. This often leads to other mistakes resulting in an unsatisfactory score band. Hence, it is advisable to beware of the following common mistakes while writing an essay or summarising text in the aptitude test for an overall impact:

  • Do not forget to check the word limit. Students often rush to answer the question without checking the asked word limit and end up wasting their time in a single section.
  • Beware of misinterpreting the given writing topic. Misunderstanding the assigned task will result in a wrong description and affect the summarisation as well.
  • Students also mistake the purpose of the PTE exam and end up showing off their English language skills by using complex sentences. It is important to be wary of using complex or confusing sentences for the sake of clarity.
  • It is always safe to save 5-10 minutes in the end for proofreading. This will help you revise the given topic and frame a better text summarization.

Quick Tips To Improve PTE Score in Essay Writing

The first and foremost step of improving your essay writing skills for the PTE writing test depends on how attentive you are while reading and understanding the assigned essay topics. While you can use some below-given tips to improve your PTE score:

  • The minimum word count for the essay writing has been specified as 200 to 300. Hence, it is important to stick with the word limit to save time.
  • The chances of scoring high depend on how well you implicate the academic English language in your writing. To make it presentable, you would need to write well-framed concise paragraphs.
  • It is very important to avoid committing common PTE writing mistakes like spelling and punctuation errors, forming compound or complex sentences, or any other grammatical errors that can affect your overall PTE score.
  • Another important tip to implement in your essay writing is to use a relevant example to support your ideas. This will improve and bring a reading flow to your paragraph as a whole.
  • Numerous useful tips enhance your PTE essay writing. However, it is more important to spend a good 2-3 minutes proofreading your essay to eliminate any minor or major grammatical mistakes. 

As a bonus tip, it is recommended to make a quick note as per your understanding of the topic; so that you can complete your essay in a shorter period and have enough time to edit and proofread your paragraphs.

Also Read: IELTS Vs. PTE – Learn About All the Differences

Quick Tips to Improve Written Text Summarising Score

When it comes to summarising the written text in the PTE writing section, students should pay careful attention to the given instruction and try not to exceed the word limit of 75 words.  The best way to do so is practising to writing complex sentences regularly, in a way that you only bring the main idea of the given sentence. Check the below-mentioned quick tips that can help you in improving your written text summarising score.

Stick to the Word Count

Students often go overboard with the word count while writing their ideas in PTE essays and summarising text. Resultantly, the practice puts a drastic impact on your overall PTE score. Therefore, remember to stick with the word count as per the given instruction; so that you can use your time wisely while doing other PTE sections as well. 

Do not Misinterpret the Idea

It is common to misinterpret the idea while rushing to summarise the given text within the time frame of 10 minutes. Therefore, it is advisable to read the text very carefully before you start summarising it. Once finished with the writing as per the instructions, make sure to proofread the given topic very carefully check and remove if there would be any unnecessary or misinterpreted words.

Focus on Grammar

Do not make any grammatical mistakes or spelling errors while paraphrasing the idea. This mistake is very common due to the limited time constraint. Therefore, it becomes very important to strengthen your English comprehension skill and grammatical understanding before the PTE examination. This will enable you to form complex sentences more easily in the PTE text summarising section.

These mistakes are the least focused while preparing for the PTE test. But it is important to be aware of these common mistakes that may end up putting a greater impact on your chances of getting a good PTE score. Therefore, it is better to keep your PTE preparations aligned with the guidelines issued by the examining authority. But if it is new and a bit complicated for you, then it is always better to take professional help from an expert to channel your time and energy in the right direction.


How can I score 70 in PTE?

To score 70 on your PTE exam, it is advisable to take a scored practice PTE test regularly. You can also register for an online PTE course to get proper guidance.

What are the common mistakes in PTE?

Making grammatical mistakes like spelling and punctuation errors are the most common mistakes that students make during the test. Hence, it is important to pay closer attention while answering the questions to avoid any spelling or punctuation mistakes.

Is it possible to get a 90 on the PTE writing test?

Yes, it is possible to score 90 on the PTE writing test. If you follow all the tips like reading aloud, avoiding grammatical errors, and sticking to the given time while writing your PTE exam then, you can achieve a higher score in your PTE.

Join  Leverage Edu’s Leverage Live classes, specifically designed to boost your PTE performance through live training sessions provided by our expert trainers. The course will provide you with the best PTE preparation tips and strategies. Give us a call at 1800-572-000 or drop us an email at [email protected] to schedule a free counselling session by today itself.

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