
Study Abroad: Outbound Students from Netherlands to EEA

2 minute read
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The Netherlands is seeing a huge population of its outbound students landing in the Universities of the European Economic Area.

Nuffic, the International educational organization, estimates that Dutch outbound students are spread across 98 countries. Most of this population has however taken up education in the European Economic Area in the most recent years. Outbound students from the Netherlands studying onshore degree programs in these regions have grown to 20,000 in 2019. Though Brexit reduced the number of students reaching the UK. However, Spain, Germany, and the UK remain the regions having the highest number of Dutch students for their higher education. The statistics point out the fact that the EEA is becoming the top destination among aspirants.


Dutch Outbound Students

Nuffic researchers put down the statistics of a greater number of Dutch outbound students in the EEA than European students. The Diploma mobility of European students might be greater but the Dutch outbound students have greater credit mobility. Erasmus+ data gives Nuffic the credibility of claiming that 14,000 Dutch students were abroad for internships and semester exchanges. This data responds to 2018-19. The next top destinations will be the USA and the UK in the coming years, predicts Nuffic. Belgium currently has the highest number of outbound students for long-term courses. 

Reason for Credit Mobility

Anneloes Slapdel-Henschen, a Nuffic researcher, comes to head forth with the reason behind the influx of dutch outbound students in the EEA. “A study or internship abroad is of great value to Dutch students.” The researchers further mention that degrees in the EEA are much more powerful. They allow students to develop the necessary skills required for the industry. In short, degrees and Internships abroad make Dutch outbound students ready for the industry. There is also enough multicultural exposure. Students require gelling in order to get global exposure. Better campus diversity allows them to have a unified yet diverse professional identity. Global challenges require a mature community of students who can change the world for the better. As for Belgium, the students get great accommodation options, low tuition fees, ease of language, and a large mix of varied subjects to study.

Outbound students

International students can thus target these countries while planning their abroad study plans. The EEA is growing in its quality of education. The UK is reviving from Brexit and borders are opening. Quality education and low tuition fees with global students: studying abroad is a lifetime experience.

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