
10 Easy Tips to Learn a New Language As a Novice!

6 minute read
Tips to Learn a New Language As a Beginner

For all those of us who have ever wanted to learn a new language, we know the reasons behind it. Maybe you want to look cool in front of others, jabbering away fluently in a foreign language or surprise someone (special) by suddenly switching to their mother tongue while talking. And as a student planning to study abroad, learning a new language comes with the territory. After all, you don’t want to be stranded in a strange, unknown country, without knowing even a basic phrase in the native dialect to ask for help, do you? 


So if you’re looking for a sign to start, this blog will help you get started. We will discuss all the perks of learning a new language and some popular options for you to choose from. We will also provide resources and helpful tips and tricks to help you learn a language quickly and easily. Ready, set, lingo!

Why Learn a New Language?

So why should you learn a new language as an international student? Apart from the obvious communication concern, here are some interesting upsides that learning a foreign language brings with itself:  

  1. Knowing language(s) other than your native dialect can help bump up your resume in front of your potential employers and even open up new opportunities professionally.
  2. According to some scientific studies, learning a new language is linked with an increase in the brain’s grey and white matter. These areas of mind handle our problem-solving, multitasking, and focusing skills. Being bilingual can also reduce your chances of dementia by 4.5 years!
  3. With a plethora of career opportunities ahead, your income can also see an increase of 10-15%, especially for professionals in marketing, sales, or technical support.
  4. Learning new languages can help you meet and interact with people worldwide and understand different cultures, broadening your horizons and perspective.

Also Read: How to Become a Language Translator?

9+ Helpful Tips to Learn a New Language

Embarking on the journey to learn a new language can be exciting and rewarding, but it also requires dedication and the right approach. Here are some helpful tips to set you up for success:

Find Your Motivation

Why do you want to learn this language? Is it for study abroad, connecting with family, or exploring a new culture? A clear goal will fuel your perseverance.

Start Small and Be Consistent

Don’t overwhelm yourself. Focus on learning a few basic words and phrases daily. Consistency is key! Aim for short, daily practice sessions rather than sporadic cramming.

Make it Fun and Engaging

Incorporate activities you enjoy. Listen to music, watch movies or TV shows (with subtitles!), or play games in your target language. This keeps learning from feeling like a chore.

Embrace Mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes when learning a new language. Don’t be afraid to speak up and practice, even if you stumble. Learning happens through trial and error!

Focus on Communication

Don’t get bogged down by memorizing grammar rules initially. Prioritize understanding and being understood. You can refine grammar as you progress.

Submerge Yourself

Surround yourself with the language as much as possible. Change your phone’s language settings, listen to podcasts, or read articles in your target language.

Find a Language Partner

Practising conversation with a native speaker can significantly boost your fluency and confidence. Look for online language exchange platforms or conversation groups in your area.

Utilize Technology

There are numerous language-learning apps, online courses, and software programs available. Explore these resources and find ones that suit your learning style and budget.

Celebrate Your Progress

Acknowledge your achievements, no matter how small. This keeps you motivated and reminds you of how far you’ve come.


Learning a new language takes time and effort. Be patient with yourself, enjoy the process, and celebrate every milestone!

How Long Does It Take to Learn a New Language?

Even before you start to learn a new language, you keep wondering how long will it take you to master it. According to various sources, it depends on how fast a learner you are and how much time you spend practising. It also depends on what language you choose, for instance, English speakers will quickly catch onto languages like French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian as compared to Korean, Arabic, or Japanese. 

So the Foreign Services Institute in the United States of America has divided the languages into 4 categories based on the amount of time they take for learners to grasp. It’s as follows:

CategoryLanguagesTime Required
IFrench, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Swedish24-30 weeks 
IIGerman, Indonesian, Malay, Haitian Creole, and Swahili36 weeks
IIIBengali, Czech, Finnish, Greek, Hebrew, Icelandic, Polish, Russian, Tamil, Thai and Vietnamese44 weeks
IVArabic, Chinese Cantonese, Chinese Mandarin, Japanese and Korean88 weeks

Note: The above data is in the context of gaining expert-level proficiency in the said languages. If you aim to cover a language’s basics, you can do so in a matter of weeks through various language apps and online resources.

Languages, languages everywhere and not enough time to think! With around 7000 dialects spoken worldwide, it can seem a daunting task to pick one and start learning. But as a student preparing to study overseas, we can help narrow your choices down to the 10 most popular languages in the run globally in 2024. They are as follows:

  1. Spanish – 480 million speakers
  2. French – 321 million speakers
  3. Chinese – 1.12 billion speakers
  4. German – 134.6 million speakers
  5. Italian – 85 million speakers
  6. Arabic (Modern) – 274 million speakers
  7. English – 1.4+ billion speakers
  8. Japanese – 125.4 million speakers
  9. Korean – 77 million speakers
  10. Hindi – 602+ million speakers

Resources to Learn a New Language for Overseas Students

Given below are some apps and online resources to help you learn a new language at various levels. Some of these resources are free, while others charge a certain amount of money from the users, allowing learners to choose a medium per their convenience and budget:

Free Resources

  1. Language Learning Apps: Many apps like Duolingo, Memrise, and Anki offer free tiers with basic lessons, vocabulary builders, and gamified learning experiences. These are fantastic for beginners to grasp core concepts and build a foundation.
  1. YouTube Channels: Numerous channels like Easy Languages, Learn French with Alexa, and SpanishPod101 provide free video lessons on grammar, pronunciation, and cultural insights.
  1. Online Courses with Audits: Platforms like edX and Coursera offer free audits for some language courses. While you won’t receive certificates without paying, you can access lectures and learning materials.

  1. Online Language Courses: Subscription-based services like Babbel, Pimsleur, and Rosetta Stone offer structured, in-depth curriculums with interactive exercises and personalized learning paths. These typically have monthly or annual subscription fees.
  2. Language Learning Software: Programs like Michel Thomas and Berlitz offer downloadable software with interactive lessons and progress tracking. These can be one-time purchases or require ongoing subscriptions.
  3. Private Tutors: Finding a private tutor online or in your area allows for personalized learning tailored to your goals and pace. Expect hourly rates to vary depending on the tutor’s experience and location.

Also Read: 50 Common Words In Korean With Examples


Q1. Which languages are most popular for study abroad in 2024?

Answer: Here’s a list of trending languages for study abroad students in 2024:

1. Spanish
2. French
3. Chinese
4. German
5. Italian
6. Arabic (Modern)
7. English 
8. Japanese
9. Korean
10. Hindi

Q.2 I’m a beginner. Are any of these languages easier to learn for English speakers?

Answer: Yes, according to the USA’s Foreign Services Institute, Category 1 languages (French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Swedish) are generally easy for English speakers to learn.

Q.3 Where can I find resources to start learning a new language?

Answer: There are numerous apps and free online resources to help you grasp the basics of a new language. Some of them are as follows:

1. Duolingo
2. Memrise
3. Babbel
4. Coursera 
5. edX
6. BBC Languages
7. Lawless Languages
8. HelloTalk
9. Tandem
10. Podcasts

Relevant Reads:

20+ Ways to Say Goodbye in SpanishMA in Japanese
Branches of LinguisticsNot Just Mandarin, These are the Most Difficult Languages in the World!
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So that’s all about popular languages for study abroad students in 2024. We hope this blog gave you a complete overview of the language learning process, along with helpful resources and tips to excel in your chosen dialect. For more content like this, do check out the Learn a New Language page by subscribing to Leverage Edu now. Thank you for reading!

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