
13 April: IELTS Speaking Topic – Speaking Part 3: Text Messages (Follow-up Questions)

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IELTS Speaking Topic - Speaking Part 3: Text Messages (Follow-up Questions)

Q.1. Why do some people dislike using text messages?

Ans- Well, there could be several reasons. One possible reason is that text messages can be impersonal and lack the nuances of verbal communication. Additionally, text messages may be prone to misinterpretation due to the absence of tone, facial expressions, and body language. Some people may also find text messages time-consuming or prefer more immediate forms of communication. For example, my elderly neighbour, who prefers face-to-face conversations, often finds it challenging to interpret the tone or intent of text messages from her grandchildren. She feels that important emotional cues can be missed through text messages, leading to miscommunication and misunderstandings.


Q.2. Have the ways that people communicate with each other changed much in the last few decades?

Ans- Yes, the ways people communicate with each other have changed significantly in the last few decades due to the rapid advancement of technology. With the proliferation of smartphones and the internet, people now have various means of communication, such as text messages, emails, social media, and video calls. These changes have made communication more convenient, instantaneous, and accessible to a wider audience. For instance, my parents used to communicate primarily through phone calls and letters when they were dating long-distance. However, now my younger siblings rely heavily on social media, video calls, and instant messaging to keep in touch with their friends and family, making communication more convenient and immediate.

Q.3. Why do people prefer texting as compared to phone calls?

Ans- There are several reasons why people may prefer texting over phone calls. Firstly, texting allows for asynchronous communication, which means that messages can be sent and received at any time without requiring an immediate response. This gives people more flexibility and convenience in managing their time. Secondly, texting provides a written record of communication, which can be useful for reference or documentation. Lastly, some people may prefer texting as it allows them to carefully craft their messages and take their time to respond, avoiding the pressure of real-time conversation.

Q.4. Do you think modern technology has any negative influence on communication?

Ans- Modern technology has both positive and negative influences on communication. While it has greatly expanded the ways we can communicate, it can also have some negative impacts. For instance, reliance on digital communication can lead to decreased face-to-face interaction, reduced social skills, and misinterpretation of messages due to the absence of non-verbal cues. Additionally, the constant availability of communication tools may lead to distractions, decreased attention spans, and even addiction to devices, impacting the quality of communication. For instance, my younger cousin, who is addicted to social media, often gets distracted during face-to-face conversations as she constantly checks her phone for notifications. This affects the quality of our interactions, as she is not fully present at the moment. Additionally, I have noticed that some of my colleagues tend to misinterpret emails or text messages, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts due to the lack of tone or context. 

Q.5. What do you think are some of the main differences between written communication and spoken communication?

Ans- Written communication and spoken communication differ in several ways. Firstly, written communication is usually more formal and structured, while spoken communication tends to be more casual and spontaneous. Secondly, written communication allows for more time to compose and edit messages, whereas spoken communication is immediate and may be less polished. Thirdly, written communication can be stored and referred to later, while spoken communication is ephemeral and relies on memory. Finally, written communication lacks the nuances of vocal tone, facial expressions, and gestures that are present in spoken communication, which can affect interpretation and understanding.

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