Q– Describe an Interesting Song
- What is the name of the song?
- What is it about?
- How did the song impact you?
- What was the takeaway? Conclusion
Ans: I still remember the time my father made me listen to ‘Masters of War’ by Bob Dylan. I was introduced to this masterpiece at a very early stage in my life. At the time, I couldn’t comprehend the subtext behind the song but when I listen to it now, it surely does hit differently.
At its essence, this anti-war song is still pertinent in this turbulent time and age. The song mocks the futility of war and its consequences for people. Dylan penned the song to criticise war and people who wield power to control conflict in accordance with their selfish ambitions. The song evokes sentiments of powerlessness and depicts the reality of how ordinary people are puppeteered by leaders with such destructive capabilities. If we try to adapt the song to today’s setting, with political leaders tugging the strings of strife and war according to their whims, directing people’s actions and opinions, Dylan’s powerful words still seem relevant and immutable.
When I think about it, I never realised a song could have such an impact on not just an individual, but an entire generation. When I listened to the song again many years later, Dylan’s words stuck with me. This time, I truly could comprehend the subtextual meaning behind the song and its relevance in the current times. Dylan’s words shook me to my core, so much so that I began to seriously question the reality presented to me by the media. ‘Is the reality I’m seeing a sham? Are our leaders truly in charge of us? I thought to myself. The song forced me to confront the bleak reality of today, in which leaders in the garb of democracy try to control our rights and freedom. Dylan’s song made me recognise how fragile peace and freedom are, and how easily they may be disturbed by those in power.
Masters of War altered my outlook on conflict and peace. It made me recognise the reality of our situation. Although the song is fundamentally anti-war, it still communicates a message of hope and peace in the midst of despair. It teaches us to be compassionate in the face of adversity. It conveys the notion that no matter how dark or dreary the situation is, there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
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