
IELTS Linking Words: Benefits, Different Types of Linking Words and Practice Questions

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Words that are usually used to connect sentences, clauses and paragraphs are known as linkers. You can use linkers in the writing tasks of the IELTS exam to link your ideas/sentences, to give examples, add information, summarise the content, provide a reason, and contrast ideas. 

IELTS Linking words play a significant role in making written sentences more cohesive and understandable to readers. By implementing them correctly and adequately, you can ensure your IELTS essay is clear, concise, and well-structured. Mastering these connectors can give you a key advantage in the writing section, not only by improving readability but also by demonstrating your ability to articulate your ideas effectively.

The better you understand and utilise linking words, the more effectively you can express yourself, potentially leading to higher scores in your IELTS writing test. Refer to the data below for a breakdown of IELTS linking words and their appropriate usage for writing tasks 1 and 2. That being said, read the article to know more about IELTS linking words. 

Benefits of Using Linking Words in IELTS Writing Tasks

In IELTS Writing 1, you’ll be presented with a variety of visual information, such as graphs, charts, diagrams, or maps. Based on this information, you’ll need to write a report of at least 150 words. To excel in this task, you can leverage IELTS linking words to navigate the provided visuals effectively. They’ll help you: 

  • Smoothly transition between different sections
  • Compare key features
  • Emphasize crucial details
  • Demonstrate your ability to analyze and interpret information clearly and concisely. 

In IELTS Writing Task 2, you’ll be required to write a well-structured and insightful essay based on a given statement or prompt. To achieve high scores, you can leverage linking words strategically throughout your essay. They’ll help you: 

  • Seamlessly transition between different ideas and arguments
  • Express your views effectively
  • Provide strong evidence to support your claims
  • Analyze the potential outcomes of various scenarios.
  • Construct a compelling argument, and communicate your ideas clearly and persuasively.

What are the Different Types of IELTS Linking Words? Top 5+ Most Commonly Used IELTS Connectors 

Refer to the following table to go through the different types of IELTS linking words that you can use in your IELTS writing tasks 1 and 2. 

Common Types of IELTS Linking WordsExamples Purpose
Adding informationFurthermore
In addition
Not only, but also
As well as
It is used to support the primary arguments and inform readers about the additional content. 
These are primarily used to present pointers in a paragraph to make it more concise and clear. 

Providing examples
For instance
For example
To cite an example
To illustrate
Such as
In other words
You can use these to provide support to your ideas and arguments. 
Stressing and highlighting
In particular
Of course
You can use them to highlight the intent behind your message and crucial points. 
Consequences and results
As a result
For this reason
These can be used to explain consequences and results. 
Causes and reasons
Due to
Owing to
You can use them to provide a cause or reason to your answer. 
Providing opinion
I believe
I admit
In my opinionI think
I agree/concur
These are used to express one’s opinions succinctly. 

IELTS Linking Words: Practice Question for Writing Task 1

Here is a practice task with IELTS connectors. Solve it on your own to better understand their implementation. 

“The given map depicts a town’s present layout and a proposed plan. It displays the existing and proposed future layout of a town, highlighting the changes in its industrialization and improved connectivity through the addition of new roads and roundabouts. 

Now,  ______,  it is evident from the bird’s-eye view that the town has undergone some changes with increased industrialization and improved connectivity through additional roads. ______, the majority of the town’s structures remain unchanged.

At present, there is an airfield located in the northwest of the town, which is connected to a long street (A2) running towards the south. This road comprises a roundabout, which leads to another road moving eastward, intersecting a railway line near a gas station.  As per the proposed plan, the roundabout would be shifted slightly south, and the airfield would be replaced by an industrial estate, connected by a new road leading directly east to the railway. 

______, a new roundabout would be constructed along the railway near the same gas station. Towards the easternmost part of the town, there is presently a town centre and a built-up area surrounding the Ring Road, which would remain unchanged in the future. The proposed additions include a new road (A4) starting from the town centre, running along the southern edge of the town, and connecting with A2 in the west. Another street would also be constructed from the town centre, enabling passage towards the east and north of the town.” 


  1. Obviously, Specifically, Especially 
  2. However, Nevertheless
  3. Furthermore, Additionally 

Practice Question for Writing Task 2

Here is a practice task with IELTS connectors. Solve it on your own  to better understand their implementation.  

“ The topic of career choices and one’s motivations is intriguing, encompassing two opposing perspectives. Some individuals argue that pursuing passion should drive one’s career goals, while others contend that a career is simply a means to make a living. _____ that prioritising passion should serve as the foremost objective in an individual’s career.

Those who believe in following their passion argue that it no longer feels like work when someone is doing something they love to do. This set of people feels that one can get greater job satisfaction, personal fulfilment, and success by following their passion. 

_______ one who has chosen a career path of following his passion for music will definitely make him a dedicated and focused musician. This individual will give uninterrupted time to his craft and will get the joy that he will use which will help in gaining a sense of control and mastery over his daily task.

________, some view a career as a means to earn a livelihood. They state that financial stability and security come first, and choosing a career that is on the basis of market demand and earning potential is a practical approach. Advocates of this perspective say that while passion is important, it may or may not align with the reality of the job market. _____, someone who decides to pursue a career in a high-demand industry, like technology or healthcare may face challenges when stepping into another territory. _____, by embracing this decision they can acquire skills, financial stability, and the means to support themselves and their loved ones. _______this leads to professional growth.

_______, while recognizing the importance of financial stability and job security, it is undeniable that the pursuit of one’s passion can lead to a profound sense of job satisfaction and fulfilment. _______, I fervently assert that prioritising passion, instead of solely pursuing a source of income, is of utmost importance when navigating career choices.” 


  1. I hold a strong belief, I believe 
  2. For example, For instance 
  3. On the other hand, instead
  4. For instance, For example
  5. However
  6. As a result, Due to 
  7. In conclusion 
  8. Therefore, Hence 

With this, we have delved into the significance and practical application of IELTS linking words for both writing tasks. Now, you’re equipped to leverage these connectors to enhance your IELTS writing. 

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Q1. What are the most common types of IELTS linking words? 

Ans: Adding Information linkers, Listers, Examples, Highlighters, and Consequence linkers are some of the most common types of IELTS linking words. 

Q2. What is word collocation for IELTS?

Ans: Collocation is the combination of two or more words formed into a sensible phrase. These are mainly used in the IELTS writing task 2 to secure better scores. 

Q3. What are the connectors for 8-band sentences? 

Ans: In addition, and similarly, likewise, as well as, besides, furthermore, also, moreover, and then are some of the most commonly used connectors in 8 band sentences. 

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