
IELTS Daily Speaking Topic: Describe a time you made a complaint about something.

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IELTS Daily Speaking Topic: Describe a time you made a complaint about something.

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Brainstorming Ideas

Refer to the following brainstorming ideas to get a better understanding of the answer.

  • I remember I made a complaint when I visited a popular restaurant a year ago.
  • The reason for the same was that when we arrived there we had to wait for an hour despite having made reservations.
  • Moreover, when we finally got seated the table was not clean.
  • Then I finally decided to politely approach the manager and the reason for making the complaint was because I believed in the importance of customer service.
  • In addition to this, it can help restaurants make amends and improve their services.
  • The manager was understanding and apologized for the inconvenience caused while also expediting our order.

Q. Describe a time you made a complaint about something. Make sure to talk about when it happened, who you complained to, what you complained about and explain why you made that complaint.

Ans. I remember about a year ago, I made a complaint when I visited a popular restaurant in my city with some friends. It was supposed to be a fun evening, but things didn’t go as planned.

There was this restaurant we had heard great things about and were quite excited to visit. However, from the moment we arrived, the experience was disappointing. Firstly, we had to wait for an hour despite having made a reservation. When we were finally seated, the table was not really clean, which was quite off-putting. So I decided to address the issue with the manager of the restaurant. I approached him politely and explained the situation. I mentioned the long wait despite our reservation and pointed out the cleanliness issue at our table. I also expressed my dissatisfaction with the slow service, as we had been waiting for our food for the last 45 minutes at that point.

The reason why I made this complaint was that I believe in the importance of customer service. We had to pay for everything, and it was fair to expect a certain standard of service. Additionally, I felt that providing feedback could help the restaurant improve its services for its future customers. 

The manager was quite receptive to my complaint. He apologized for the inconvenience caused and immediately arranged for our table to be cleaned. He also expedited our order and offered us complimentary desserts as a gesture of goodwill. While the evening had a rough start, the manager’s response helped in solving the situation to some extent.

This experience reinforced my belief in the importance of addressing issues directly and politely. Complaining can be constructive if done correctly, as it provides businesses with the opportunity to rectify their mistakes and improve their services.


When did it happen: I remember about a year ago, I made a complaint when I visited a popular restaurant in my city with some friends. It was supposed to be a fun evening, but things didn’t go as planned.

What exactly happened for you to make a complaint: There was this restaurant we had heard great things about and were quite excited to visit. However, from the moment we arrived, the experience was disappointing. Firstly, we had to wait for an hour despite having made a reservation. When we were finally seated, the table was not really clean, which was quite off-putting. 

How did you complain: So I decided to address the issue with the manager of the restaurant. I approached him politely and explained the situation. I mentioned the long wait despite our reservation and pointed out the cleanliness issue at our table. I also expressed my dissatisfaction with the slow service, as we had been waiting for our food for the last 45 minutes at that point.

Reason for the complaint: The reason why I made this complaint was that I believe in the importance of customer service. We had to pay for everything, and it was fair to expect a certain standard of service. Additionally, I felt that providing feedback could help the restaurant improve its services for its future customers. 

What was the response to the complaint and how do you feel about it: The manager was quite receptive to my complaint. He apologized for the inconvenience caused and immediately arranged for our table to be cleaned. He also expedited our order and offered us complimentary desserts as a gesture of goodwill. While the evening had a rough start, the manager’s response helped in solving the situation to some extent.

Conclusion: This experience reinforced my belief in the importance of addressing issues directly and politely. Complaining can be constructive if done correctly, as it provides businesses with the opportunity to rectify their mistakes and improve their services.

Vocabulary in Use With Word Meanings

Quite Off PuttingVery unpleasant or disconcerting.
ReceptiveWilling to consider or accept new suggestions and ideas.
ExpeditedMade (an action or process) happen sooner or be accomplished more quickly.
ReinforcedStrengthened or supported, especially with additional personnel or material.
RectifyPut right; correct.
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