
IELTS Daily Essay Topic: Some people think it is better for one single legal system throughout the world. Others say countries should have their own law.

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IELTS Daily Essay Topic: Some people think it is better for one single legal system throughout the world. Others say countries should have their own law.
IELTS Daily Essay Topic: Some people think it is better for one single legal system throughout the world. Others say countries should have their own law.

Ans. The issue of whether there should be a legal system or if countries should retain their own laws is a matter that sparks significant debate. This essay aims to explore both perspectives and argue that maintaining individual countries’ own set of laws is more effective.


On one side, proponents supporting a single global legal system argue that it would foster fairness and equality. They contend that having a set of uniform laws would ensure equal treatment for all individuals regardless of their geographical location. This could potentially address disparities in justice systems worldwide and help in eliminating them. It would guarantee the protection of human rights. Additionally, a global legal system could streamline international relations and cooperation since all nations would operate under the same legal framework.

On the other hand, advocates for country-specific laws argue that each nation possesses its distinct cultural, social, and historical contexts, which should be reflected in their legal systems. Laws often mirror a society’s values and beliefs, and a single global legal system may not adequately accommodate the diverse cultural nuances of different nations. For instance, an act considered criminal in one country might be socially acceptable in another. Therefore, having their own laws allows countries to govern in ways that align best with their citizens’ needs.

In my view, I believe that while there are advantages to having a single global legal system, it is vital for each country to maintain its own set of laws. This is because laws should not only serve justice but also encompass the distinct cultural and societal values of a nation. A one-size-fits-all approach may fail to accommodate the requirements and circumstances of individual countries. Hence, although international laws can be advantageous for issues that impact the global community, such as climate change or human rights, domestic affairs should be governed by national legislation.

To sum up, while a unified global legal system can foster equality and simplify relations, it remains crucial for countries to maintain their legal frameworks that reflect their unique cultural and societal contexts. This approach ensures that laws are not merely instruments of justice but also mirror the identity and values of a nation.


Paraphrased Statement: The issue of whether there should be a legal system or if countries should retain their own laws is a matter that sparks significant debate.

Thesis Statement: This essay aims to explore both perspectives and argue that maintaining individual countries’ own set of laws is more effective.

Body Paragraph 1-Topic Sentences: On one side, proponents supporting a single global legal system argue that it would foster fairness and equality. They contend that having a set of uniform laws would ensure equal treatment for all individuals regardless of their geographical location. 

Body Paragraph 1- Supporting Reasons and Explanations:  This could potentially address disparities in justice systems worldwide and help in eliminating them. It would guarantee the protection of human rights. Additionally, a global legal system could streamline international relations and cooperation since all nations would operate under the same legal framework.

Body Paragraph 2- Topic sentence: In my view, I believe that while there are advantages to having a single global legal system, it is vital for each country to maintain its own set of laws. This is because laws should not only serve justice but also encompass the distinct cultural and societal values of a nation.

Body Paragraph 2- Supporting Reasons and Explanations:   A one-size-fits-all approach may fail to accommodate the requirements and circumstances of individual countries. Hence, although international laws can be advantageous for issues that impact the global community, such as climate change or human rights, domestic affairs should be governed by national legislation.

Conclusion: To sum up, while a unified global legal system can foster equality and simplify relations, it remains crucial for countries to maintain their legal frameworks that reflect their unique cultural and societal contexts. This approach ensures that laws are not merely instruments of justice but also mirror the identity and values of a nation.

Vocabulary in Use

RetainTo keep or hold onto something.
Sparks significant debateThis phrase means to start a meaningful discussion or argument.
ProponentsPeople who publicly support a particular idea or cause.
FosterTo encourage the growth or development of something.
ContendTo compete for something or to strongly argue a point.
DisparitiesDifferences, especially when unfair.
EliminatingTo completely remove something.
StreamlineTo shape something for effective movement, or to improve an organization by making it simpler.
Distinct Clearly different from something else.
Merely Used to emphasize that you mean exactly what you are saying and nothing more.
Mirror the identityReflecting or representing someone’s identity.

Linkers and Connectors Used

Following are the Linkers and Connectors:

  1. The issue of whether
  2. Or if
  3. This essay aims to
  4. On one side
  5. They contend that
  6. This could potentially
  7. Additionally
  8. On the other hand
  9. For instance
  10. Therefore
  11. In my view
  12. This is because
  13. Hence
  14. To sum up

Brainstorming Ideas

For the global legal system viewpoint can mention the following pointers:

  1. Ensures Equality and fairness
  2. Elimination of disparities
  3. Protection of human rights
  4. Streamlining international relations by working under the same legal framework.

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