
IELTS Daily Essay Topic: An increase in the production of consumer goods results in damaging the environment.

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IELTS Daily Essay Topic: An increase in the production of consumer goods results in damaging the environment.

Brainstorming Ideas

a) The main cause of damage to the environment is the overexploitation of natural resources which requires the extraction of raw materials from the earth, leading to deforestation, soil erosion and loss of biodiversity.

b) The manufacturing process in itself is harmful to the environment causing pollution of air, water and soil.

c) The culture of consumerism because of the constant need for new and improved products causes an increase in waste. 

d) To address these issues, the manufacturers should adopt practices like renewable resources, recycling materials and minimizing waste.

e) To conclude, these adverse effects can be mitigated by applying sustainable practices and changing consumption habits.

Q. An increase in the production of consumer goods results in damaging the environment. What are the causes of this, and give a positive solution?

Ans. The increase in the production of consumer goods is becoming a global trend. Even though it benefits the economy, it has several negative environmental effects. This issue is complex and multifaceted, with several contributing factors and potential solutions. 


One of the major causes of this environmental damage is the overexploitation of natural resources. The production of consumer goods requires the extraction of raw materials from the earth. As a result, activities such as deforestation take place, leading to soil erosion and loss of biodiversity. In addition to this, the manufacturing process in itself is harmful to the environment. Factories cause pollution of air, water and soil by releasing chemicals that are not good for the environment causing climate change and soil degradation. For example, the burning of fossil fuels for the production of energy releases carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas which contributes to global warming.

Another contributing factor to this is the culture of consumerism that is prevalent in various societies. The constant need for new and improved products causes an increase in their production leading to increased waste. Consequently, this waste often goes to landfills or oceans causing harm to the wildlife living in these water bodies.

To address these issues, a comprehensive solution involving sustainable production and consumption is necessary. The manufacturers should adopt practices that are environment friendly such as using renewable resources, recycling materials and minimizing waste. For instance, companies can start using solar or wind power to fulfil their energy requirements. Governments ought to take an assertive stance in addressing this issue by implementing stringent rules and regulations to reduce pollution. Additionally, offering businesses incentives for adopting renewable energy resources would be a beneficial approach.

To conclude, while the increased production of consumer goods has adverse effects on the environment, these can be mitigated by applying sustainable practices in the production process and changing consumption habits. Ensuring a planet that is healthier and more sustainable demands the joint commitment of all individuals.


Paraphrased Statement: The increase in the production of consumer goods is becoming a global trend. Even though it benefits the economy, it has several negative environmental effects.

Thesis Statement: This issue is complex and multifaceted, with several contributing factors and potential solutions. 

Body Paragraph 1-Topic Sentences:  One of the major causes of this environmental damage is the overexploitation of natural resources. The production of consumer goods requires the extraction of raw materials from the earth..

Body Paragraph 1- Supporting Reasons and Explanations: As a result, activities such as deforestation take place, leading to soil erosion and loss of biodiversity. In addition to this, the manufacturing process in itself is harmful to the environment. Factories cause pollution of air, water and soil by releasing chemicals that are not good for the environment causing climate change and soil degradation. For example, the burning of fossil fuels for the production of energy releases carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas which contributes to global warming.

Body Paragraph 2- Topic sentence:  Another contributing factor to this is the culture of consumerism that is prevalent in various societies.

Body Paragraph 2- Supporting Reasons and Explanations:

The constant need for new and improved products causes an increase in their production leading to increased waste. Consequently, this waste often goes to landfills or oceans causing harm to the wildlife living in these water bodies.

Body Paragraph 3- Topic sentence:  To address these issues, a comprehensive solution involving sustainable production and consumption is necessary.

Body Paragraph 3- Supporting Reasons and Explanations:

The manufacturers should adopt practices that are environment friendly such as using renewable resources, recycling materials and minimizing waste. For instance, companies can start using solar or wind power to fulfil their energy requirements. Governments ought to take an assertive stance in addressing this issue by implementing stringent rules and regulations to reduce pollution. Additionally, offering businesses incentives for adopting renewable energy resources would be a beneficial approach.

Conclusion:  To conclude, while the increased production of consumer goods has adverse effects on the environment, these can be mitigated by applying sustainable practices in the production process and changing consumption habits. Ensuring a planet that is healthier and more sustainable demands the joint commitment of all individuals.

Vocabulary in Use

Consumer goodsProducts purchased by the average consumer.
MultifacetedHaving many different aspects or features.
OverexploitationHarvesting a renewable resource to the point of diminishing returns.
Extraction of raw materialsThe process of removing raw materials from the earth.
ConsumerismA social and economic order that encourages the acquisition of goods and services in ever-increasing amounts.
PrevalentWidespread or common.
LandfillsPlaces where waste is disposed of by burying it.
Comprehensive solutionA solution that considers all relevant factors and possible solutions.
IncentivesThings that motivate or encourage one to do something.
Adverse effectsUnintended, harmful outcomes or side effects.
MitigatedReduced in severity or seriousness.
Consumption habitsThe behaviours consumers follow when deciding what products to purchase, use, and dispose of.

Linkers and Connectors Used

Following are the linkers and connectors used:

  •  One of the
  • As a result
  • For example
  • In addition 
  • Another contributing factor
  • For example
  • In addition 
  • Another contributing factor
  • Consequently
  • To address
  • Additionally
  •   For instance
  • To conclude

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