
What is the Full Form of TOEFL?

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What is the Full Form of TOEFL

The full form of TOEFL is the Test of English as a Foreign Language. It is a globally recognized standardized test designed to assess the English language proficiency of non-native English speakers. The TOEFL test evaluates reading, speaking, listening, and writing skills, making it essential for individuals planning to study, work, or immigrate to English-speaking countries. Its widespread acceptance by universities and institutions worldwide makes it a crucial requirement for international students and applicants seeking to demonstrate their language abilities in an academic and professional setting.


Importance of TOEFL Exam

The importance of TOEFL lies in its widespread acceptance by educational institutions and governmental agencies in over 130 countries. It serves as a reliable indicator of an individual’s English language proficiency, ensuring that they can effectively communicate in an English-speaking academic and professional environment.

Who Needs To Appear in TOEFL?

The TOEFL test is taken by millions of individuals worldwide, particularly those who plan to study, work, or immigrate to countries where English is the primary language. Here are some key reasons why people take the TOEFL test:

  1. International Students: Many universities and colleges in English-speaking countries require international students to demonstrate their English language proficiency through TOEFL scores. It ensures that these students can handle the language demands of their academic courses.
  2. Scholarship Candidates: Some scholarship programs require TOEFL scores as part of their application criteria to ensure that the candidates possess the necessary language skills to excel in their studies.
  3. Visa Applications: Several countries use TOEFL scores as a requirement for visa applications, especially for student and work visas, as it confirms the applicant’s ability to communicate effectively in English.
  4. English-Language Learners: Individuals learning English as a second language often take the TOEFL test to track their progress and proficiency levels over time.

Must Read: ETS Launches New Addition to TOEFL Tests

Difference Between TOEFL iBT and TOEFL Essentials Test?

TOEFL iBT and TOEFL Essentials Test are two different versions of the TOEFL exam offered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) to measure English language proficiency. Here are the key differences between the two:

ParticularsTOEFL iBTTOEFL Essentials Test
PurposeAssesses academic language proficiency across various areasMeasures fundamental language skills in diverse contexts
Language DomainFocuses solely on academic English usageBalances general English and academic English equally
EmphasisEmphasizes in-depth tasks with longer durationsPrioritizes breadth with shorter, fast-paced tasks
SectionsConsists of Listening, Speaking, Reading, WritingIncludes Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, and a 5-minute video statement
Recommended forAspiring students aiming for university admissions or academic programs abroadIndividuals seeking an efficient test combining convenience and quality

Format of TOEFL Exam?

There are two main formats of the TOEFL test: the Internet-based Test (iBT) and the TOEFL Essentials Test. Each format consists of different sections, and the total score may vary based on the number of questions and tasks in each section. Here’s an overview of each format:


  • Reading Section (54-72 minutes): This section includes reading passages followed by 30-40 questions.
  • Listening Section (51-57 minutes): It involves answering 28-39 questions based on brief lectures or classroom discussions.
  • Speaking Section (17 minutes): This part consists of 4 spoken tasks, which may include expressing an opinion, summarizing a reading, or participating in a conversation.
  • Writing Section (50 minutes): In this section, test-takers complete 2 writing tasks, including an integrated task (combining reading and listening skills) and an independent task (expressing personal opinions).

TOEFL Essentials Test

  • Listening Section (21-34 minutes): Consists of 30-45 questions.
  • Reading Section (22-33 minutes): Includes 30-45 questions.
  • Writing Section (24-30 minutes): Comprises 14-18 questions and 2 tasks.
  • Speaking Section (13 minutes): Involves 3 tasks with 19 responses required.
  • Personal Video Statement (5 minutes): This section includes 2 questions but is not scored as part of the test.

The scoring for each section varies, and the overall TOEFL score is usually between 0 and 120 for the iBT and between 0 and 120 for the Essentials Test.


What is the full form of TOEFL exam?

TOEFL stands for Test of English as a Foreign Language. It is one of the popular English Proficiency Exam which is mandatory to pass for study or work in abroad.

What is TOEFL exam fee?

The TOEFL exam fee varies depending on the type of test. For the TOEFL iBT, TOEFL iBT Paper Edition, and TOEFL Home Edition, the fee is $195 or Rs. 16,134 (as of February 2023). The TOEFL Essentials Test has a lower fee of $20 or Rs. 1,655. 

Is TOEFL better than IELTS?

Both TOEFL and IELTS are popular English language proficiency tests, but the choice between them depends on individual preferences and requirements.

Overall, the TOEFL test caters to a wide range of individuals who need to demonstrate their English language abilities for academic, professional, or immigration purposes. Build a plan with Leverage Edu‘s Leverage Live classes and our top trainers and strengthen your English score as well as your application so that you can secure your spot in your dream college.

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