
Dealing With Homesickness While Studying Abroad

5 minute read

Did you just move abroad to study and now you are feeling homesick? Are you missing your home, homemade food and especially your parents? Well, it is quite normal for you to deal with homesickness as everyone goes through this feeling at least once. 


Students often go to study abroad via scholarships to pursue their dreams. But as a human tendency, things take a turn and people eventually start missing their home. 

What is Homesickness?

Homesickness is an emotion which takes over one person who suddenly shifts from one place to another, for example from one country to another. If you are one of them, who is facing this issue then we have got your back. In this blog, you will understand how you can deal with this situation when you land in a foreign land.

How Does Homesickness Build Up?

It is quite normal for everyone to miss their home whenever there is a drastic movement from one place to another all of a sudden. But, with this comes several cons which can affect one’s mental health. Here are a few points which will mention what all factors are involved:

Interruption in Lifestyle

Sudden moving away from your home can lead to interruptions in lifestyle such as routines, and sleeping patterns and lead to anxiety and stress. With the sudden change in lifestyle, one is unable to cope, leading to changes in diet as well. 

Sudden Distancing in Cultures

According to several studies conducted by researchers, it has been found that student often finds it difficult to juggle between two cultures, which eventually leads to homesickness.

Difficulty Adapting to a New Country

Whenever a person shifts to a new country, it is very important for them to adjust quickly to the new surroundings. There are often circumstances where one finds it difficult to adapt to a new country because of food, language learning issues and many other factors.

One should keep in mind that shifting to a new country will require the person to make several sacrifices which might be beyond their comfort zone. As it won’t be just a cultural change, but at the same time you will be responsible for your own health, finances and security oneself.

Must Read: Taking Care of Your Mental Health While Studying Abroad

How to Deal with Homesickness?

Dealing with this situation can be quite tricky. It might seem like the world is ending and you have no one to rely on as you know no one in the new place. Well, we have got you and have come up with tips which will help in surviving and not miss your home. 

Create a Bucket List to Explore New Country

The best way to explore a new country is to list down things and move in the same direction. This will help you in trying new food, cultures, local cuisines and traditions. What more can be done is you can start a food vlogging channel of your own that can later be shared with friends and family members who can enjoy it too. Most importantly, this will not only help you in exploring but at the same time other people (tourists or students) who are planning to visit that country will also get help. 

Stay Connected with Friends and Family Members

Stay closely in touch with your family and friends. Also, there is always a person in a friend circle who keeps in contact with you no matter which part of the globe he/she is in. If you are really feeling lonely, then you can always stay in contact with your friends through WhatsApp, facetime and calls. If you are still scared to go out and interact with new people, then this is the best way by staying in touch with your old friends.

Work on Positive Thinking

It’s a lot easier said than done but staying positive even in these situations is very important. Try to plan your days in advance by including several activities in your schedule. For example, after waking up every day see everything in a positive way with a fresh start. This will make you look forward to the day in a positive manner. Lastly, by keeping a positive attitude it is also easier for one to make new friends in the new country. 

Form a Daily Meditation Habit

Spend some time alone to practice mindfulness. It helps you to experience what is happening in present, to be self-aware and be in present. Close your eyes and be still, let the thoughts come into your mind. Visualise yourself in all positive ways and have faith in yourself that you can deal with homesickness with ease and strength.

Take Time Out for Self-Care Routines

Stressing out or feeling lonely can obviously take a toll on one’s mental health. Take time out to carry out self-care routines for yourself. Eat healthy and stay hydrated and of course, don’t forget to get your eight hours of sleep.  


How can you stop feeling lonely while studying abroad?

It is quite evident that one can feel lonely when one travels abroad. In order to get out of this slump, one can always follow these steps:

Try local food
Keep in touch with your old friends
Try to make your living place a bit homelier
Stay in contact with your parents

What triggers homesickness?

The sudden transition from home to a new country leads to homesickness. Studies show that students who have always dealt with anxiety issues or have never left their homes are more prone to homesickness. However, one should keep this in mind, that homesickness is not a mental issue. It is just an emotion which students or anyone can go through. 

How long does homesickness last?

If you are travelling to a whole new country, it is quite evident that homesickness will take hold of you. However, in order to get over this, one should make sure to be ready for this situation as well. Research studies suggest that homesickness can last anywhere from three weeks to one year.

To conclude, it might seem very easy to move, to a new country but by the end of the day it is clearly a huge decision where one’s life changes all of a sudden. Hope this blog helped you in getting the required information about how to survive when you feel homesick in a new country.

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