
Can We Use Calculators in the Gmat Exam?

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Can We Use Calculators in the Gmat Exam?

GMAT aspirants are frequently faced with the dilemma of not understanding how to utilise calculators in the GMAT Exam and, more significantly, not knowing whether they can use calculators in the GMAT Exam at all. The GMAT Exam predominantly entails one to solve convoluted math problems, which is why one of the most common queries addressed by individuals is whether they will be allowed to use calculators in the GMAT exam. That being stated, read the article to clear up any confusion about the use of calculators in the GMAT exam.


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Are You Allowed to Carry Calculator on the GMAT?

Yes, candidates will be permitted to use calculators during the GMAT Exam; however,  there are certain conditions that must be kept in mind by prospective candidates. Candidates undertaking the GMAT exam will solely be allowed to use calculators in the GMAT’s Integrated Reasoning Section and not for other sections, namely the Quantitative, Verbal, or Analytical Writing segments.

This is why the exam’s policy has faced some sort of defiance by aspirants over the years,  as the other sections of the exam comprise equally challenging arithmetical calculations. 

Furthermore, the authorities will not entertain or support the usage of personal calculators during any section of the GMAT exam, and anyone detected doing so would be debarred from taking the exam. This is because students are not authorised to bring personal equipment such as calculators to GMAT Exam Centres, implying that GMAT officials would only provide simple calculators during the Integrated Reasoning Section of the exam. 

GMAT Calculator Overview

GMAT aspirants will be provided with calculators during the exam’s Integrated Reasoning Section. Refer to the following image to get an idea of what the GMAT Calculator may look like. 

Understanding and mastering the buttons and functionalities of the GMAT calculator will come in handy throughout the GMAT Exam’s Integrated Reasoning Section.  Here are some of the functions that must be kept in mind whilst attempting the stated section of the GMAT Exam. 

  1. %: Students can use this key to work with percentages. This is be used during equations that comprise percentages.
  2. SQRT:  This key is used when someone wishes to calculate square roots. 
  3. 1/X: This key helps individuals to determine the reciprocal of the figures currently onscreen. 
  4. MS: This button is used to feed the current figures on the screen into the device’s memory chip. 
  5. M+: This key will help one add more figures on the screen into the currently stored memory. 

Also Read: GMAT Eligibility Criteria

Tips for Using a Calculator on the GMAT

It is imperative for one to strategically implement and employ the provided calculators to reap the best outcomes. Here are some of the tips for using the GMAT calculator to one’s advantage.  

  • One must be well-versed in the usage of the GMAT calculator’s function keys. Keeping abreast of the calculator’s functionalities will come in handy for one during the Integrated Reasoning Section of the exam. One way of memorizing the functionalities of the calculator is by using them at home to get an idea of the real deal. 
  • Using the GMAT calculator every now and then can eventually hinder your speed and accuracy during the exam. This is why one must employ the calculator sparingly. 
  •  One must solve as many GMAT mock tests or practice sets to comprehend the correct usage of the GMAT calculator. This will even give you an idea regarding the types of questions that may be asked during the GMAT Exam. 
  • Whilst preparing for the exam, one must time themselves. In other words, one must complete their practice sets within an ordained timeframe. This must be done with a calculator so that you may learn how to utilise calculators properly and effectively to save time. 


1. Can one use calculators in the GMAT Exam? 

On-screen calculators are provided by GMAT exam authorities during the Integrated Reasoning section of the exam. However, individuals are not allowed to bring their personal calculators to the exam centres. 

2. Can one use calculators whilst attempting the Verbal Sections of the GMAT Exam? 

No, individuals cannot use calculators for any other section than Integrated Reasoning. 

3. How long is the GMAT exam? 

The total duration of the GMAT exam is 3 hours 7 minutes. 

The GMAT exam is a globally standardised exam which is undertaken by those who aspire to get admission into the top business institutions/universities in the world. As the exam entails one to solve complex math problems, they are provided with on-screen calculators during the Integrated Reasoning section of the exam. However, one must keep in mind to avoid bringing personal calculators to the exam centre. 

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