
APA Style Paper

5 minute read

APA or the American Psychological Association citation style is one of the most commonly used forms for publishing scientific and research articles. If you are a research student, then you must be aware that this paper has a certain format. But if you are still unsure about writing an APA Style Paper, then you are at the right place. This blog will bring you all the information you need to write an impressive APA Style Paper, from the ideal time to write the paper to its formatting. Continue reading to know.


What is APA Style Paper?

The American Psychological Association’s (APA) citation style is one of the most used forms for publishing scientific and research articles, especially in psychology, sociology, commerce, economics, and medicine. This style may appear difficult, but it is primarily about breaking your research into the appropriate sections and adhering to fundamental formatting standards. Give your work a solid introduction, followed by sections on methods, findings, and discussion. You’re set to go if you include references, an overview, and any related tables or figures.

When Should You Write APA Style Paper?

The ideal time to learn how to write and format student papers according to the APA style is at the beginning of the semester. Starting with a fundamental setup that is applicable to the entirety of the paper—margins, font, line spacing, paragraph alignment and indentation, and page headers—this article walks through the steps necessary for formatting an APA-style student paper. Then, the major sections of a student paper’s formatting are covered: the reference list, the text, the title page, and the tables and figures. It describes how to organize student papers and how to improve their quality and presentation before coming to a conclusion.

What Does APA Style Include?

APA style actually has three levels. The main level directs association. The use of language and writing style are addressed in the second level. The mechanics, like punctuation, are the focus of the third level. Let’s start at the beginning, with the organization.

APA Style Paper Format

An APA-style paper should be double-spaced and use a 12-point font size. One-inch margins everywhere throughout are also advised. You must use a basic layout on all of your paper’s pages. 

Create a title that isn’t too long. The APA suggests keeping titles brief, sweet, and straight to the point. Between ten and twelve words is an appropriate length, as well as the title must give readers an idea of what your article is about.

  • A title like “Age, Health, and Cities” is too short and ambiguous.
  • The article “Age-Based Influences on the Opinion of Access to Medical care in Cities” is more detailed.
  • The title should be centred on the page.

Include Your Name and Institution 

Double spacing is acceptable here. There are no extra gaps between the title and the information.

Make Use of the Page Header

A running header should appear on every page of your manuscript, including the title page. It should be a concise summary of the title of your paper. Maintain everything under 50 characters and in all caps.

Set the Page Number in the Upper Right

The pages should show all the way towards the right on the same lines as the running header. Set the page to appear on each successive page. 

Create the Main Body

Introduce your paper. The introduction is the first part of an APA-style paper, however, it does not need to be named. Type the paper’s title (in regular print) at the top of the following page, then start writing the introduction on the lines below it.

Label the Method Section

Just after the introduction, centre the phrase “Method” in bold text. This is a simpler part. It should define the actual design of the research in clear terms. Subsections should be created to detail the participants, supplies, and procedures employed in your study. Page breaks should not be used in between sub-sections and any other portions of your article.

  • Title each subsection in bold print (“Participants,” “Materials,” “Procedures”), and align the subsection headings to the left. Begin each sentence on the following line.
  • If you need to describe all equipment you utilised, you can include a “Apparatus” section in addition to or instead of the “Materials” section.
  • The methods section’s goal is to demonstrate to other researchers how to repeat the study if they want to.

Share Your Results

Until the last of the methods subsections, put the phrase “Results” in bold print & centre it. If applicable, include statistics analysing your study.

  • For specific information about how to format statistics, consult the APA handbook or your specific field.
  • Include references to every supplementary material in your work (charts, tables, images, graphs, etc.). 


What is APA Style Paper?

The American Psychological Association’s (APA) citation style is one of the most used forms for publishing scientific and research articles, especially in psychology, sociology, commerce, economics, and medicine.

What’s the difference between APA and MLA?

There are numerous distinctions, but the most significant distinction is when every format is used. APA formatting is used for papers in the natural and social sciences, whereas MLA formatting is more commonly used for papers in the humanities/liberal arts. In terms of formatting, MLA papers lack a title page and an abstract, whereas APA papers do. MLA in-text citations include the author and page, whereas APA citations include the author and date. The titles, as well as layouts of a reference list, differ depending on the type of paper. This is only a sample; reading the style handbooks for each will disclose many more differences.

 How do I write APA in a summary paper?

A cover page is required for the summary paper, but no abstract or reference page is needed. Aside from that, all APA rules would then remain unchanged.

This was all you needed to know about writing a strong APA Style Paper. If you are planning to study abroad and need assistance then you can reach out to  Leverage Edu specialists who will then help you with the application process. Call us immediately at 1800 57 2000 for a free 30-minute counselling session..

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