
7 Important Requirements to Obtain a Canada Super Visa in 2024

6 minute read
super visa canada requirements

A super visa is a visa that permits the visa holder to visit their children or grandchildren for 5 years in Canada. Moreover, multiple entries are permitted for 10 years. Before applying for a super visa the applicant must meet the specific requirements. Without meeting these requirements, the application for a super visa cannot be processed. For example, the applicant must have health insurance. In this blog, we have explained the Super Visa Canada requirements in Detail. Keep reading to know more about them.

What is a Super Visa Canada?

A Super Visa is a special visa for parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens or permanent residents. It lets them visit Canada for much longer stays than a regular visitor visa. With a Super Visa, they can stay for up to 5 years at a time, instead of just 6 months. This way, they can spend more quality time with their family in Canada.

Meet the Eligibility Requirements for Super Visa Canada 

The most important Super Visa Canada requirements are to meet the eligibility criteria. The eligibility requirements are as follows: The applicant must have a host who is

  • A child/grandchild of the applicant 
  • A permanent resident/Canadian citizen or a registered Indian in India. The documents proving the same must be presented. For example, a permanent resident document of the host (if applicable)
  • Must have a secure certificate of Indian Status, and must be at l8 years of age
  • Exceeds or meets the essential income requirements, willing to sign a letter of invitation to Canada, and must promise to provide financial support to the applicant

On the other hand, the applicant must fulfil other requirements. That is, the applicant must be 

  • Outside Canada at the time of application
  • Permitted to enter Canada
  • Must have visa printed by a visa office outside Canada
  • Must not include any dependents in the application
  • Be willing to take an immigration medical examination 
  • Meet any other eligibility requirements specified

Watch the video below to learn more about the eligibility requirements 

Credit: How to immigrate to Canada by e-Visa Immigration

Check out the jobs in Canada with Work Permit 

Health Insurance Super Visa Canada Requirements

Another important Super Visa Canada requirements is Health insurance. The health insurance must be obtained from a Canadian insurance company or an insurance company that has received the approval of the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship.  In case the insurance will expire before leaving Canada, it is important to apply for a renewal. Additionally, the insurance obtained by the applicant must be 

super visa canada requirements
  • Valid for 1 year from the date of entry
  • Must be paid in either installments with a deposit or paid in full
  • The insurance acquired must cover the hospitalisation fees, health care expenses and repatriation costs 
  • The insurance must also provide an amount of $100,000 of emergency coverage

Letter of Invitation Super Visa Canada Requirements

Another important Super Visa Canada requirements is a letter of invitation. The letter of invitation must be from the child or a grandchild. The letter must include the following details:

super visa canada requirements
  • Promise to provide financial support for the duration of the visit 
  • The list and the no of people in the family size calculation. Note (to calculate the family size add yourself, other super visa applicants, dependent children, grandchildren & spouse of the host, and previously approved/sponsored super visa applicants).

Income Super Visa Canada requirements 

The Super Visa Canada requirements also include meeting the income requirement. A proof must be presented by the applicant for the same. The proof must indicate that the host grandchild or child of the applicant has the minimum income to take care of themselves and the applicant. The income letter must be co-signed by the grandchild/child’s common-law partner or spouse. The documents acceptable as income proof are:

super visa canada requirements
  • T4 or T1 for the last tax year
  • Benefits statements of an employment insurance 
  • Canada Revenue Agency issued the last notice of assessment (NOA) 
  • An accountant’s letter proving the annual income (in case of self-employment)
  • Proof of other income sources such as a pension statement
  • Employer’s letter stating that the job description, job title and salary
  • The bank statements of the applicant
  • Pay stubs (most recent 12-month period)

Learn all about the Spouse Visa for Canada Student 2024

Medical Examination Super Visa Canada requirements 

super visa canada requirements

Another important Super Visa Canada requirements is a medical examination. The applicant must submit proof that a medical examination has been conducted. 2 types of medical examination’s conducted. They are the standard medical exam and the streamlined medical examination. The streamlined medical examination is only in cases of humanitarian crises, and other exceptional situations. The applicant must visit a panel of physicians to conduct a medical examination. The medical examination cannot be done by the applicant’s doctor. At the time of medical examination, the applicant must bring identification proof, any medical reports or test results for previous or existing medical conditions, current medications, 4 photographs etc. 

Canadian Citizen, Permanent Resident or Registered Indian Proof of the Host 

The Super Visa Canada requirements state that the proof of the host must also be submitted. The proof must be any of the following documents. 

super visa canada requirements
  • Canadian citizen- Copy of Canadian citizenship of the host and the host’s partner or spouse
  • Permanent residence: Permanent residence copy of the host and his/her spouse or common-law partner
  • Registered Indian: Copy of the  Certificate of Indian Status (status card)/ Secure Certificate of Indian Status of the host. The same documents of the spouse or the common law partner must be presented (if its applicable).

Provide Proof of Relationship to the Host 

Lastly, the applicant must present proof of relationship to the host. It is one of the important super visa Canada requirements. The applicant must prove that he/she is the grandparent or the parent of the host. For this purpose, the following documents are acceptable:

super visa canada requirements
  • The host’s baptism certificate or birth certificate
  • Another official document that names the applicant as the grandparent or parent of the host

Read about the 7+ Canada Spouse Visa Documentation Requirements

Application Process for a Canada Super Visa 

A Canada super visa can only be applied while the applicant is living outside the country. The applicant can visit the IRCC Portal and follow the steps below to obtain the visa. 

  • Get an invite code and create an account on the IRCC Portal.
  • Log into the account and answer all the questions. At this stage, you are required to upload the necessary documentation
  • Lastly, pay the application fee for the Canada super visa. The application fee can be paid with a prepaid card or a credit card. American Express®, MasterCard®,  Visa®, UnionPay®, and JCB® are acceptable forms of payment
  • Next, the biometric information of the applicant will be taken
  • The applicant will be asked to conduct a medical examination, attend an inteview , provide police clearance certificate, or send more documents 
  • Once the above steps are completed, the visa application will be processed. The super visa processing time in India is approximately 56 days. 

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What is the success rate of super visa in Canada?

The Canada super visa success rate is approximately 83%. Once the applicant is approved for the visa it will take around 8 days- 45 or 50 days for the processing. 

What is the cost of Canadian Super visa?

The Canadian super visa costs around CAD 100 per person. The visa fees are non-refundable. The amount must be paid to submit the Super visa Canada application. Apart from this, the applicant must provide biometric fees of CAD 85 per person or CAD 170 per family.

How long you can stay in Canada on super visa?

The super visa is a multiple-entry temporary visa. The visa validity is for 10 years. However, the applicant is permitted to stay in Canada for only 5 years per entry. 

We hope you now understand what are the Super Visa Canada Requirements. Want to apply for a Visa for your study abroad journey? Drop us a comment in the section below, or you can connect with a visa expert at Leverage Edu, and we will guide you on your dream journey!

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